#87 - I really love this. It's striking. I think it's my favourite. I'm going to see if the other stakeholders like it, and if we can tie it into our message of hope and compassion. My only thought is that I was hoping for a logo in warmer colors. I like some of the logos posted in reds / browns. What do you think the possibilities are for this in a different color? I do like the grey background.
#90 is also very attractive. Again, I'm not sure whether I could get approval for a concept like that because of the brand / messaging. My other thought is that the colour scheme might be too feminine. I'll ask the others what they think before I ask you to do any work on it, though.
Hi there, We love your work. Very impressive. I was wondering on #94, could I see the bird in red? Maybe with the grey background?
I am thinking too about the font. One person used the font Philosopher, which I really like. I know you cannot use it since another designer already did, but would it be possible to try another font that might be similar? Something more unusual?
I'm sorry that I'm such a pest, but I had an idea. I really like that Lotus flower. I looked it up and found that a red lotus symbolizes compassion and love in Buddhism. Would you mind doing the flower in a shade of red for comparison?
One of my partners and several of the people I've shown this to have responded most favorably to the flower ... I'm right now 75% sure I'm going to go with it.
Thanks and yes the layers are available on the logo for each element you see, do you need the text to be kept for editing, since all final files we convert the text to non-editing. if you need that i can keep it for editing too,