I've tried to incorporate the hill and tree idea as you had suggested. I tried sketches with one large oak looking tree or these ones with 3 trees. They just seemed to look more interesting in 3's. I also added the wind whistling through the trees on the first entry to add a hint of wind and essence, smell, aroma, breeze etc. I hope it is something you might like.
Thanks for your entries. These are much closer to what I am looking for. Thank you for taking my suggestions. I like the colors you used on Entry #11 and the font on Entry #12. The height of the trees above the name is a little too high, I think. I would be using this logo on small labels (as well as large labels) and the 3 trees might be hard to distinguish at the smaller level. Could you try breaking your hill line into 3 hills with a shade tree on the left hill? I have seen a sketch like this but didn't have anything to upload to the contest. Then the name Tucker Hill could be to the right of the tree (just an idea)? Trying to compact the design a little. I would appreciate it if you would have time to try to tweak your design. Thank you very much.
Hi Quanta 52, Thanks for your interest in my designs. I should have time to try a revision for you tonight. I will try what you suggested as well as maybe a slight rework of the one above and try to compact it more, change up the layout etc. Thanks
Thanks for the redesign. The T in the new font looks kinda like an F to me, which isn't good. LOL. I do like entry 12 with the 3 trees at the top. If you have time, could you maybe make the trees a little shorter and change the color of the trees to add a little more blue in? As the contest has progressed, I have changed my mind a little on the colors. So for now, they seems to be chocolate brown and a grayish/blue color. Thanks!
Thanks for your additional entries. I got so busy on Saturday that I just couldn't comment on all entries. As you know, I still like #12. What I did not like about your additional entries was that the hills did not have the gentle slope I am looking for. The hills had a kind of bowl look to them (to me, anyway). The contest has been extended for a few days - if you would like to submit additional entries. Thanks!
Hi, here are a couple more versions of the 3 trees. I trimmed down the trees a bit with a hedger and changed the coloring...also added some shading to one to give it some more grounding.
Thanks. I like these, too. My only comment is that the font size be the same as entry 12 - makes the whole thing a little more compact. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks1
Hi, My bad I saved out the latest versions at a different scale than the rest. The font was actually the exact same size, with the trees scaled down etc, but I saved it out a little larger than the last ones so it looked bigger.