#11 - I like what you did with the TL at the very front, however, it took me a while to realize what you had done. Keep the unique aspect of featuring the TL please, but do it in a way that is more transparent (obvious). Also, is there a catchier font you could use?
#12 - I would have ranked it higher, but I explicitly do NOT want all capital letters please.
All entries have promise. I'd like to see some different color combinations please. Thank you for your entries.
I like the way you incorporated the slogan in the new entries. Thank you.
#23 has definite promise. I like the font you chose. I also like the dot on the "i". Question: is the pink thing below "Trust Life" a line or does it say the slogan? It's hard for me to tell on my computer. The main thing that I'd like to see changed is the "TL" at the beginning. I like the creativity you've used in trying to incorporate the TL, but I'd like to see something different. The colors you chose are nice, I'm just not crazy about the leaves forming the letters T and L. If you could work on those few details, that would make a big difference.
#22 - I like this one very much. I like the colors. Perhaps, just to give me more visual choice, could you try using different colors and fonts on this one? It is very nice.
I change the "TL" icon..and YES, the pink thing below "Trust Life" a line or does it say the slogan... Enjoy and hope u love it...thanks for your feedback.
Thank you! The more I look at #56, the more I like it!
#56 - If you could make the following changes, I would love to see how 56 turns out. -take away all the leaves -have the slogan only read "It's bigger than you...", and start it under the "t" in trust, but otherwise, keep everything else the same with it -try the words "It's just that simple..." as well. I'm still trying to figure out my slogan, so seeing both potential slogans will help. -keep the fonts! LOVE them. But, try different color schemes please.
Looking forward to seeing the revisions! Thank you very much for your continued effort!
How I can make revision on #90? In light background color.. Your contest time is done.. I'm sorry if I'm late to make revision..that because we are in different time zone. When I received your feedback my email time showed 02.30 in the morning,that's mean over midnight and I'm sleeping... I'm so sorry.
I completely understand the time difference and I'm very sorry you were not able to make the revisions. I'm still very torn between your entry and one other. I will try to extend for 3 days.
You are very talented and I hope I can extend my contest deadline.
I can tell you try to make a unique logo...that's why I like your work so much. I will tell you what else I REALLY like about your work, and that is that you try to incorporate the TL by themselves, like in #52, 11, 19 and 20. Unfortunately, none of the TL combinations are exactly what I'm looking for, but they are all very unique and show that you are trying very hard. The third thing i like about your work, probably what I like most, is that you use strong color. I want people to remember my logo, and that is where you do a really good job.
I have submitted a request to extend for three days. I suppose you will be notified when my contest is continuing.
In the meantime, if you can take my feedback and incorporate some of the ideas, that would be great.
I look forward to working with you more and really do appreciate your continued effort.
If u can tell me more spesific about what u want in making "TL" for logo that would be helpfull. Maybe I can try more and more to find the best logo for you..
Before I get to the TL concept, I'd like to chat a little about #90. This one is still my favorite, so please do NOT change the font, sizes, etc. What I do want to see on this one is it on a WHITE background and with the words "trust" and "life" different colors. Knock your socks off on color...I'm interested to see what you come up with.
#52 - I like the font here as well, however, I would like to see you do something different with the TL in front. Again, not sure what, wish I could be more helpful.
However, I do have a few ideas for the TL when NOT positioned in front of the words. Here goes:
1) Try taking the second T in "trust" and the L in "life" (since they are next to each other) and turning those into the trunk of a tree. Have the words feed off of the letters in both directions and have a tree growing out of the top of the trunk.
Another idea: 2) Again, take the second T in "trust" and the L in "life" and put something behind them or around them (a circle, or something that catches your attention). You should even probably make those two letters a different color from the rest of the words to show a nice contrast. Again, the words will feed off of the T and the L, so it will still read "trust life", the T and L will simply stand out because they are a different color (perhaps) AND they are enclosed in a symbol of some sort.
Those are the only ideas I've played with in the past. Please feel free to submit your original ideas as well. By the way, I plan on copying the above and placing them in the general comments so all can understand what I'm looking for.
My nephew drew something that I'm having a difficult time copying and pasting for you to see. I'll try and explain it:
Take #96 and somehow make the second T and the L turn into the trunk. Then, have a robust tree (not just leaves, but almost like a large circle on top, but make it clear that it's a tree) on top.
Let me start by saying THANK YOU. You are working very hard to get this right for me, and I truly appreciate it.
I like #90 and #156, so please don't change a thing on those.
I also like #52...I just wish there was something else you could do with the man/tree thing. ??? Hmmm....
So, let's concentrate on #166. This one has REAL promise. Here are some things I'd like to see changed on 166 please: - exchange the pink paint smear for black (keep the white letters on the slogan) - please try another one replacing the pink paint smear with the same orange you used over the "i" in the word life
Now for the tree. I'd like to see the following changes on the tree please: COLOR - make all leaves more of the dark green color (no light green ones please) LEAVES - use LESS leaves, by using *bigger* leaves. In other words, please remove all of the very small leaves and replace them with bigger ones. TREE SHAPE/HEIGHT - I like the circle shape you used to form the tree. It could *perhaps* be a little shorter, but I'm not 100% sure of this. The tree looks a little tall to me. BRANCHES - the way I see it, the T and the L make tree trunks. Each trunk has two branches coming off of the top. I would like to see *three* branches if possible. Please make each branck a tiny bit thicker and longer. When I have this logo on my business card (which will be small), I want people to be able to see the branches, but I don't want them to dominate the tree. I just want them a little stronger.
By making the branches stronger and using a darker color for the leaves, along with eliminating the smaller leaves, I believe this will make a stronger, bolder logo.
Also, replacing the pink paint smear with black will give a nice look I think.
I do have one more idea (not a big change...I promise!!), but the changes above need to be in place first before it will work.
*New Revision: - remove all of the very small leaves - make all leaves more of the dark green color - shorter trees shape - 3 branches - exchange the pink paint with black and orange...
1) Could I please see what #167 looks like with a green paint smear below instead of orange?
2) Could I also see #168 with a lower case "t" in "trust"?
3) One more request for a separate look to #168 - could I see it with a dot over the "i" instead of the candle flame and also, could you please remove the black paint smear and slogan all together? I want to see what it looks like a little more plain.
4) #155 - believe it or not, this design is still probably my favorite. [I think #168 has so much promise, that's why I keep asking you to refine it]. As for #155, could you please make the "trust" more *purple* (less pink). Also, can the "life" be more *yellow* (less gold)? And the font you used for "trust", can you do it solid? The difference in color within that font I believe will be more difficult for me to do on a t-shirt.
Thank you Eternal Light. I know you're probably about to go to sleep, so I'll be brief.
#187 - please update with a lower case "t"
#188 - I like the font you were using before, but thank you for trying to get the color more solid
#156 - please remove the paint smear and tag line
#11 - Can you explain to me what the green dots/leaves (?) are supposed to be on the "tl"? This one has lots of promise, but I would like to understand better.
Basically, I LOVE three of your designs...therefore I keep asking you to revise them...sorry for all of the additional requests...you just happen to have several I REALLY, really like.
Question : #11 - Can you explain to me what the green dots/leaves (?) are supposed to be on the "tl"? This one has lots of promise, but I would like to understand better.
My Answer : That greed dots is a leaves (leaves like the other design). Sorry, maybe its too small so you can't see the details.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Again, the only problem I'm having here is that I like THREE of your designs so much, I'm having a hard time deciding between them! I guess in the long run that's good for you, but in the short term that means lots of revisions for you...I'm very sorry about that. Thank you for your continued work and patience.
#11 - thank you for explaining. I just wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a person or a tree. 1) Perhaps a tiny bit bigger on the leaves?? 2) Also, could you try incorporating the words "let go" in small black letters, centered under the words "trust life"? 3) Please change the "life" font color to a little deeper shade of green. Perhaps closer to the deeper green you used on the leaves in #189.
Please do one like that. And please do one exactly like that, but without the words "let go" underneath.
#192 - YES! That's the font I was looking for...more solid. Perfect. Thank you. Could you please add in the paint smear with the following words "let go...trust life" under like before?
#189 - beautiful! I'd like to see one minor change to 189 please: remove the three leaves that are located above the letter "i" and put the flame back on the "i".
A separate idea for #189: What I'd like to see here is a little different, but I need to see how it looks. I understand it's very late for you, so if you need to work on it after the contest has ended, that's fine. It is my understanding that the designer ranked in the #1 spot can continue to submit, so I do believe we have some time. I don't want to keep you awake until all hours of the night. :-)
Okay, for 189, I'd like to see you pull out the middle section (the "tL" and the tree) and have it stand alone. However, I want to see the "tL" smaller and the tree bigger so that the "tL" will fit inside the tree.
If this looks good, I may be able to use it as a stand alone logo, but I won't know unless I see it.
I'm sorry you're still awake. Thank you very much!
#193 - Wow! What a difference those changes make! Please remove the smaller leaf that is located by the letter "l". That leaf positioned there makes the letter look like an "E".
#194- please do the same on this one. Also try "let go" in lower case instead of capitals please.
#195 - looks great! Please change the smear to read "let go..."
#196 - no, that's not what I want. But, please do NOT worry. We can do that one later.
One last request for now: #189 - please separate the "tL" on the trunk of the tree just a tiny bit so it won't look like the letter "H". Do you see what I mean? But just separate a TINY bit, I don't want the trunk of the tree to be too wide, I just don't want the two letters to look more like the letter "H" than the letters "tL".
All of this can be done after you wake up tomorrow. No worries. :-)
Hi Eternal Light. Now that I know you are asleep, I will write revisions for you. I did not want you to be tempted to work on them, so that's why I waited. :-) Okay, ignore all my previous revision requests, I will re-type here in this email so you don't have to look back.
#199, 200, 201 - please remove all three leaves from each design.
On #189, I would like to see THREE *separate* versions:
1) please remove the *three* leaves closest to the letter "i". Also, please add the flame back to the "i" instead of the dot. This should be one entry.
2) please separate the "tL" on the trunk of the tree just a TINY bit so it won't look like the letter "H". Do you see what I mean? I don't want the trunk of the tree to be too wide, bur right now the two letters side-by-side look more like the letter "H" than the letters "tL".
3) Okay, here is the one I tried to explain earlier...let's try this again. - only the tL and the tree will show. You will not see the letters "trus" in the beginning or the letters "ife" at the end - now that you only have the letters tL and the tree, you can start to work on the rest - here's the rest: - make the "tL" fit INSIDE the circle part of the tree. In other words, the tL will be in the middle of the tree/leaves. The tree/leaves will completely surround it.
I hope that is clear. No worries...I'm very confident we will get there together.
Again, I really like all three of the designs we continue to work with. It will be very hard to pick just one! :-)