Tropitech EnergyLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Tropitech Energy
Tropitech Energy has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 215 designs
from 45 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Tropitech Energy is a US VI Microgrid Development Program that offers Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) for clean and inexpensive, renewable, energy option for commercial and industrial facilities for small island utilities.
We design and develop standalone microgrid powered by photovoltaic (PV) solar, battery energy storage and an intelligent controller to provide significant reduced energy costs, while increasing availability and reliability of power supply.
Clean power greatly reduces voltage fluctations, brownouts surge potential, and phase loss.
Small Island Utilies have severe challenges due to electrical load profile changes, consumer distance from plant, equipment failures, weather, vegetation, and large fuel supply. A local renewable microgrid eliminates many of these challenges and provides power primarily from renewable and abundant fuel sources such as the sun.
The PPA is a financial arrangement in which developer owns, operates, and maintains the photovoltaic (PV) system and we host customers (industrial and commercial). This arrangement allows the customer to receive stable and low-cost electricity . The customer purchases the services provided by the Solar Service rather than the PV system itself.
We design and develop standalone microgrid powered by photovoltaic (PV) solar, battery energy storage and an intelligent controller to provide significant reduced energy costs, while increasing availability and reliability of power supply.
Clean power greatly reduces voltage fluctations, brownouts surge potential, and phase loss.
Small Island Utilies have severe challenges due to electrical load profile changes, consumer distance from plant, equipment failures, weather, vegetation, and large fuel supply. A local renewable microgrid eliminates many of these challenges and provides power primarily from renewable and abundant fuel sources such as the sun.
The PPA is a financial arrangement in which developer owns, operates, and maintains the photovoltaic (PV) system and we host customers (industrial and commercial). This arrangement allows the customer to receive stable and low-cost electricity . The customer purchases the services provided by the Solar Service rather than the PV system itself.
Color Preferences
Green, Oranges, Blues, Black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
We do not want to influence design concepts. We do have our sister company Tropitech Solutions and it's logo may be beneficial for your designers. Though the logos do not have to be similar but nice to be complimentary. (Tropitech Solutions - provides the engineering; Tropitech Energy provides the purchase plan agreement).