Please make the logo 160 pixels wide in future entries (excluding the margin). This is because the final logo will be 160 pixels wide on screen, or 3cm wide on a printed business card.
#97 - good, just wondering if you can improve on the symbolism of the circle. Maybe try one or both of these?
* Rework the circle somehow as the @ from an email address or * Replace the circle with a stylised email envelope so that the pointy flap goes down into the basket.
#120 very good. Also like some of the others (e.g. 112) but this is our favourite. Can you try versions of 120 with: * Red/grey colouring as on 97 and another version with: * Upper/lower case text
Great work, thank you. The top two designs in the competition were very close - it's been very hard to make a choice! Please do send us contact details after the competition