#42 We like the design of the logo, we wanted to see the triangle in different colors, We also wanted to see the logo with a color background and the triangle white with a color background.
Hi wookasheen's, for #42, #133 and #134, where it says "the right angle for your business" can you change the first letter in these words to Caps so it reads "The Right Angle For Your Business" and can you also make these words darker, it is hard for us to read it.
Hello, Wookasheen, we wanted to thank you for your hard work you put in designing the logo for our company. From the whole staff of the Triangular Wealth Corporation,
Thank You and Congratulations on Winning the Contest!
We also have one last request, when you send us the Logos can you also include #42, #133-138, #197 and #298-301.
Maybe we are not being clear. We would like to get each logo separately; not on one page. We want all versions of the logo. We would like each one in jpeg and eps. We would like logos #42, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 197, 298, 299, 300 and 301.