I like the simplicity and boldness of #19--can you make the company name purple with a gold relief, and put the "Mission * Excellence * Purpose" slogan below it? For #22, can you work this into a round shield? I like the typeface of this better than #21.
Jordi, For #25, can you put the "Triakos" in the same typeface as you used for #19, only in purple? Also, try the slogan below the shield? #26 looks too complicated. For #20, try spelling out "Triakos" and work a cross into the "T"? Thanks for all the good ideas!
Jordi, for #28, can you make the "Triakos" text darker, and maybe put the "chrome" shine on it like you did for #19? Also, is there any way you could turn the eyes and nose of the helmet into a cross? That might work for the helmet in #20 as well. #29 doesn't capture the "Spartan" theme.
I used to work as a graphic designer, so I know how important it is to provide good feedback. Thanks for your quick responses!