Entry #93. Very nice design; however, it needs to be on a white background since it's going on our website which has a white background. I like the way you've hidden what appears to be an eagle's head inside of the merged TR but the eagle's features need to be more defined or somehow made to look more like an eagle. The silver shield is a nice touch but the overall design might be better and look cleaner, and "pop" more, if you dropped the shield: just a thought. Thanks, Jim.
Not necessarily. If you have some improvements, by all means please send. We are just listing the Top Ten to give participants a chance to see how things are trending as we get closer to picking the Final Three. We still think #103 and #132 have potential if you add a shimmer/glow/halo effect and/or make them appear to have depth, etc. Thanks, Jim.
#199. I moved #199 into the Top 5 because I just noticed for the first time that in addition to having the lowercase "t" and the eagle's head that appears as a lowercase "r", when viewed from the side it resembles an eagle in flight (intended or not, it is a nice touch). Thanks, Jim.
#226. Nicely done. like the way you angled the eagle to make it look like it is flying into the design. However, I still prefer the blue in #199 (or perhaps a slightly lighter version of that blue). Best, Jim.
#228. Very nice but it looks like the eagle's neck is being choked: if you extended the blue beneath the head to the left and connect it to the leg of the T it might work better. Tx, Jim.
#228. I would drop this one: best chance for Top 5 is #229 (which is like #230 except for placement of "group").
#229. Best chance for Top 5. I would focus exclusively on this as it has the best prospects for winning the competition. Thank you for all of your efforts!
thanks i will focus on #229. can you give me any more direction? i.e. what is keeping this design from being top ranked for you? I have a rework idea but i may not be able to do it till later this afternoon.
You are doing great. I can't think of anything else at this point in time. Unless someone comes in with something that blows us away, you should make the Top 5 as that's the way it is trending. Your design is elegant yet emphatic and very corporate and clean, which is what we are looking for. Best of luck! - Jim