Pangi, Design #4 is close, the tread pattern is nice, but the ".com" has to be incorporated. I also want to have a Dog vector graphic similar to the one submitted. I am not interested in plain text only logos, so, please refrain from submitting them. At this point, I'm only interested in a design with a dog and tread. A dog with attitude. Thank you.
Pangi, that is much closer to what I'm looking for. The dog needs some changes though. I like the example I gave you because the teeth shows that the dog is growling, the teeth are larger, fewer and the mouth isn't open. With the teeth to the rear of the mouth and the curved upper jaw. I'm also looking for a little more detail to the eyes and the nose. In the example, simple design changes gives more definition to the shapes. How the dog's head position in #27 is good, it's the right height and angle. Because you've changed enough of the dog's features, for example, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, I believe it's enough changes to show that it's not a copy of another design, if the teeth were closer to the example.
Thank you for making changes as I'm very busy. Can you change the ears a little...they kind of look like bull horns. If you can make them more level instead of curved points. More straight on the top of the ear. On the far ear, can you remove the white small angle piece and make it just black. Thank you.
Do you see how the white part of the ear, around the middle of the ear, levels off at a slight upward angle? That's how the ear should go. Not to a point, but slightly angled (more level). Basically, take off the end part where it turns upward. The ear should not go to a point. On the far ear, bring the point down to just a black triangle.
On #49, the white line in the ear is right. The ear (the black part) should follow the same shape on top as the white part. On the far ear, in #49, just take the point off the ear, don't change the size of the ear, just the point. It should look almost like a triangle.
The far ear is just right. The close ear, with the white mark, bring the point down (the black part) a small amount to follow the shape of the white part inside the ear.