#16, has potential. Play with some other color variations vs the orange (looks too "florida gator" to me). #15, font is interesting - not sure if it is just the orange/blue ring that is too "futuristic" - it could work, maybe try keeping with the cobalt blue / gray - or make the logo dark gray and the ring dark gray and orange or red. Good luck!
I like the one I have in 1st place... you're in pole position for now. Maybe try some other color variations, though I do like the Red dot on the A. Maybe you already tried this in cobalt blue TREACE, but may want go with another color for the dot in the A that works well with that blue (gray, etc... I think red with blue may be too "all american" feel, give some things a shot)
Maybe that blue with an orange dot? I know I'm a bit confusing on my concerns of overuse of blue and orange...maybe there is a reddish orange that would split the difference and work well with a blue version?
#29 is appealing and moving up the rank. Try red vs the orange with that dark gray...
On #28 and 62 (still my favorite design overall), maybe a "little" bolder and/or larger font on the "medical concepts" text. Just seems a little light and/or tough to see.
#29. Definitely try the "fin" in red vs orange and use the slightly darker gray for the TREACE part like you did in #28. I also wonder how this would look if you used a font more like the one you used in #28 and #62 - this may blend the best of both designs...or maybe flatten the font (vertically) the current font style?
FYI, I think I prefer having the red (or orange) dot or swoosh to be the only item that is colored in the logo - really draws your eye to it. having the copy below the same color takes away from this. Oh,make sure you have "inc." (including a period ".")
Starting to like #86 (colors etc), but need to add the gray horizontal bar back to the A to connect to the orange swish (as you have in #83). Can you do that?
#113 is still in the lead. Reviewed with some of my business partners and they agree it is top contender thus far.
Some feedback and adjustments to make to it though... (all to the "medical concepts, llc" portion). 1) Double check the spacing, and bold up the font, and maybe make the font size just a "tad" bigger (like in #89 but just slightly larger font). Some thought the text looked like it was too far left. I mentioned I thought it probably was centered because the period on the right is harder to see and that is driving the centering.
Look forward to seeing this adjustment and hope you carry the win!
Thanks so much for your feedback really appreciate it !!! Now, you can check #129 & #130, just play in the text "medical cocepts, llc"
Surely, my ambition is to win this contest. And I would be very, very happy and grateful to you. If you are early to end the contest, and chose me as the winner. He..he..
Oh my gosh, very sorry for this, I am so used to typing "llc", but I meant "Inc." 129 or 130 would both work (cannot really tell the difference frankly), but need to do Inc. (and don't miss the "." at the end of Inc.)
Looking VERY good, but can you make this correction. Again, my bad...sorry.
Yes, but still not fully satisfied with the spacing and alignment on the smaller font below TREACE. Can you re-check and adjust to keep spacing consistent and center the line of text better below TREACE. Thanks!
OK, we are REALLY close. If you can put the same exact font size, shade and spacing and centering of the "medical concepts, inc." section #90, under the TREACE of #113 and send me one that is spot on, I believe your are going to win this.
FYI, I noticed #146 which I think has the spacing the way I wanted it, but the font ended up a little too big and or dark on the "medical concepts, inc.", really like the weight and size of it on #90.
Can you try one version of #181 with the font just a "tad" lighter on the "medical concepts, inc." portion? Also, could you try another of #181 with a red fin?
On the red fin version, you may want to lighten up the font on the TREACE part as this seems to play with red better than dark gray. Won't know till I see it.
OK, #204 and #205 are interesting options I'll have to consider. Is the "fin" in #181 orange or red (it looks orange to me, but maybe it is red?) ? I was looking for #181 with a RED fin and slightly lighter gray "medical concepts, inc." font. Can you do this?
If you want to choose a winner, then you have to put a different designer (not a different design) at rank 1, 2 and 3., And for 4 to 10 you are free to place them.
and if you choose me as the winner, I will give you the design you requested (although the design was different from each other) in the EPS file, JPG etc.
Can you please add a small "TM" (trademark) to the upper right of the TREACE? To see what I mean, look at my current logo at www.treacemedicalconcepts.com. Also in the collection can you include a .tif and .eps format?