Hi Lambiase, I like #6 font color better than the red... the olive branch is too over the top though. Could you bring in down a lot? I'll post more direction shortly. Thanks!
Like #12 the best so far. Could you make the olive branch smaller and have it be part of or close to the word "olive"? Also, I think I like "Italian Olive tree" left justified better than centered. Thanks!
Lambiase, I like the horizontal graphic of #12. Could you replace the graphic in #26 with the one in #12 and make it even smaller that the graphic currently in #26? I also like the frame in #25. Nice work so far.
Lambiase, You're throwing some good logos our way. We like #39 maybe less of a swoosh with the R and twist the olive branch in the middle to go hoirizontal like in #29. Thanks!
You're making hard Lambiase... #103 very cool concept. Will need to discuss but can you remove the white swoosh under the olives? #96 has some potential as well. Not into the swooshy T or arched banners. Thanks for your hard work! I'll rerank soon.
Like #153 and #155 in regards to text and position... the olives in #155 are little odd though, the way they are sitting and in #153, the background behind the olives don't work. These 2 have some really good potential though! Thanks Lambiase.
Hi Lambiase, the tree needs work... there's a silver green sheen that an olive has and the trunk is shorter and thicker. I really like #175... maybe bring in just a little color. Thanks for your hard work... much appreciated. Joe
I think the olives are great (colorwise) but maybe the font... is it possible to fill in the letters or would you need to change the font? If not, how else could we get some color in there??
#195... very nice. I like the font but I am worried that the variation in color might be difficult in printing, so could you do one in the green and one in the brown? Thanks!
I like the green and the brown... There are 3 designers really killing in right now and you're one. I'll get more feedback from my partners for tomorrow. The tree isn't there yet although you nailed the color. It's a very particular tree. If you want to give it another try I would check out some photos on google. I'm going to weed a few out cause it getting tough but don't take it the wrong way.. I just want to start filtering to make things easier. Great work and thanks for reworking things in a timely manner. have a good night.
Hi Lambiase, We're not into the tree in the box (#200 & #208) but your new look tree is nice #209. Could you change the font... also like the fact that it's grounded in #210.. gives the logo a sense of tradition but don't like the way you have it grounded (green oval) could you try in another way to ground it? Thanks!
Hi Lambiase, we printed out the teeny tiny little logos to see what they look like on a small tin and a few of yours really translate well. #227 in particular. Could we see #227 with the text from #228 (line and all) and also on a black background? Thanks! Basically, we want the option to have the logo look great with and without the tree... as the tree might be difficult to print.