Hi can I see what this image looks like contained in a circle? Also can we see the orange a stronger value, more of an orange/red color (somewhere I between your orange and red) ALSO, in a neon yellow/ green with gray? Thx so much!
revised design #227 #228 #229 purple and orange #230 stronger orange #231 #232 in a neon yellow/ green with gray #233 sorry for waiting. i'm falling a sleep last night =)
Not needing a real circle but more the idea of being able to draw a circle if we wanted to without having lines coming out of it. Can we have a call tomorrow? I want to be specific. We can use 202 as the basis as I like the font and remove those little lines that appear above and below the circle. Lets look at that in three color options :silver orange , silver neon green (solid no fade) and silver red with red fade. Thank you. Happy new year
just wan't to clarify about the shape and font before continue with color, did you mean like this? #234 remove the lines and using font from #202 thanks.
Hi we are getting so close! So for #236, can I see the gray in a darker value (as it is in #180) and the orange in a brighter more vibrant shade?
Also using the same font as in # 236 can you please experiment with the colors of the words TRAIN AWAY PAIN beginning with TRAIN as the darkest value of gray, PAIN being orange and then PAIN fading into a light gray? As if the pain is fading.....
We definitely want to go with orange. Can we get some fire red orange and some brighter colors? And can you put it on a light grey background. Also once we choose your design can we still work with you in the future for color and font changes?
Still looking for a more firey orange. I feel like 248 is getting there and your old entry 230 is very close. Something that "pops" and radiates healing and energy and brightness and light...almost neon but not...definitely orange and reddish. And I think less fade is better as it will be hard to replicate on clothing. Thank you.