General comments: The color palette I’m looking for is as follows: Blue: Pantone 19-3864 TCX [RGB value 34, 60, 118] Red: Pantone 19-1763 TCX [RGB value 189, 22, 44] Gray: Pantone 15-4305 [RGB value 152, 160, 165]
#102 has nice definition and everything pops. I like a nice clean looking design and this one is going to get some consideration. Can you also do a version where instead of the gray border, there is a red or a white border?
#101: While I like this concept, my concern is it’s too close to a logo used by the team I cover.
RE #103. I am strongly considering this design as well. I am wondering though if it is possible to make the football a little smaller -- it pretty much dominates the design -- and also work in a little bit of gray into the logo per my color palette?
RE #125 -- I also like this design, but again, the football is much too large. Is it possible for it to be a little smaller as I really want the name of the blog to stand out, followed by the tagline and then the graphic.