Re #52 and #48 they are both very creative and we really appreciate that! However, we are definitely focused on a more "commercial" travel icon such as a real airplane, suitcase, etc..
Thank you please feel free to add more submissions!
Here are some unique concepts. Maybe you would consider a logo that doesn't actually have a travel related icon, this field of advertising resulting from the name itself (!). And maybe it would be better to concetrate on the 'ad' part. Anyway, hope you like both concepts and feedback will be highly appreciated.
Hello, #161 and #171 are great. Is is possible to just put a white border around the word "tradvel" in #161? Also can you make the tagline larger (and possibly bolder) on the bottom (to take up the entire logo space)
Also for #171 can you also add the tagline? Thanks, great job!
Sorry I didn't get to submit the modified #171. It was race against time. If u want to see how it looks you can temporarily rank me on 1st place so I can submit it. Thanks for the feedback.
Hello, would like to see the modified #171 and also if you could change the airplane in #175 to look like the flight pattern (more above the logo) like in # 145.
Thanks a lot, you are definitely going to have one in the top 3 at the least