For entry #28, can we try one with the following amendments: - Close the gap for the vertical part of the "P" so its connected to the top; - Add a small gap between the bottom parts of "P" and "A" so they are not connected; - Smaller "+" and position it slightly above center; - A different shade of green (office / india green); - Add the full name below as per #12.
Thank you, Aldeano. Nicely done. Just want to request small adjustments to 2 of your submissions:
For #106: - the logo "tpa+" and full name slanted at an angle (i.e. italics); - a thinner "+"; - the word "Plus" to be in green, just like "+".
For #71: - the logo "tpa+" and full name slanted at an angle (i.e. italics); - a darker blue for the logo and name; - the word "Plus" to be in green, just like "+"
Nice job, thanks. Can we try one more amendment and we're more or less done!
For #123 and #119, can we have a different font (typeface) for the word "Thai Prosperity Advisors Plus" - change from Arial to perhaps Calibri (or something similar). We want something slightly different to Arial but still matches the logo "tpa+"
Dear Aldeano. Thank you for the upload. Can you also kindly provide a variation of the logo to include the "Co. Ltd." (in the same blue color) after the word "Plus" in both jpg. and eps. Appreciate your efforts. Many thanks.