Torus LLPLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Torus LLP
Torus LLP has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 708 designs
from 131 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are a law firm and we represent employees whose work rights have been violated. We also represent employees and consumers in class actions. The name "Torus" itself has no specific legal meaning or relation to the business, but rather meant to be a unique and easy to remember name for the firm. (i.e. "yahoo", "google" , etc.)
Color Preferences
Grey - Blue - Black
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Modern and professional, sleek but unique design.
Incorporating imagery into the logo is not a necessity, but we are open to incorporating some legal picture design into the logo, like a gavel.
From logos we've seen, we like the attached "AMG" logo for Mercedes. Another attached logo incorporated the bull into the logo.
Incorporating imagery into the logo is not a necessity, but we are open to incorporating some legal picture design into the logo, like a gavel.
From logos we've seen, we like the attached "AMG" logo for Mercedes. Another attached logo incorporated the bull into the logo.