After more time looking at #376, we think that this is a good concept. You are now in the Top 5, please consider submitting new entries to win this contest. We love the horn used as the red cloth, that is very smart.
This concept strikes us as very Agile and we also see the Toro, but no Coassack. Please consider including something even very small that would represent the Cossack. Maybe the look of the person is more like a Cossack. the Shape of the head with a Coassck hat, not necessarily a hat but the shape would feel like a Coassack hat.
Sorry, we wrote our last comment very fast, the word is Cossack and that is the key piece of feedback for you to win this contest. The winner will be the logo that truly represents all 3 components (Toro + Cossack + Agile).
We sure hope that you submit more entries. You have a great concept and we apologize for not noticing your logo earlier. This was a complete oversight on our side.
#416 - First idea. Alterations to the design include the addition of a sword and reworking the horn/cloth so that it also suggests a red sash around the figure's waist.
Thank you for #416, the sword is a great idea but it feels to agressive (not your fault, it's just what a sword would represent). The red sash around the figure's waist or an illusion of a holster carrying a sword are great ideas. We are so happy that you are able to throw some entries before the contest end.
Keep in mind that simply giving the "Cossack feel" to the silhouette would do the trick. We know that it's easier said than done, but a warrior (strong) feel instead of toreador (elegant) is what we mean. We offer a lot of coaching and a coach is very determined, that's the feel we associate with a Coassack warrior. It's tough because either way that silhouette must also be Agile.
The concept that you have a is great, that's why we are so excited!