TorakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Torak

Torak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 436 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.










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Great first entry on this contest with #42. Although the bull is not abstract it's very pretty so we ranked it high. There doesn't seem to be any Cossack influence, but this logo does capture "strong / confident / courageous". Very nice blue!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for rank and feedback. Here my another idea with incorporate cossack ellement
12 years ago
Logo Designer
The red color on arch on entry #42 seems have different red with on text so here i try to fixed with entry #63
12 years ago
I like the arrows that you added in #60. I like your style the only concern I saw is in using different colors in the letters in a way that it splits the work into 2 sections. Having one letter of different color or a portion of a letter is good but not splitting the word. I prefer #60 but the word Torak should not look like TOR and AK.

Great work so far!
12 years ago
Great attention to detail on the red. Thank you.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
here i try with abstract logo.Let me know what you think
12 years ago
We like #138 and we still like #63. We think that you have a great style, feel free to try an entry focused on the Cossack, not just the Toro. Great work all your entries are strong.
12 years ago
We moved you into the Top 5 to see if you can submit improvements on #138 and #63.

For #138 please try black and red (no blue) and make sure to use a deep red.

For #63, this is the only logo we continue to consider with a non abstract Toro, but can you see if can touch it up. For example we like the arrows in #60, especially if they can feel like swords, in our minds the arrows in #60 already look like swords.

Please also to not split the name Torak by using 2 colors, we don't want it to look like TOR AK, We need it as TORAK.

If you feel that you can make the Toro more abstract in #63, that would be amazing.

We really like your style and we would have hoped to see more entries from you.
12 years ago
deep red is more like #116
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you, i will work for update my designs.
12 years ago
Thank you. Looking forward to seeing your next entries.
12 years ago
Great work on #278. The top horn is a great way abstract the Toro, but could you play a little more with the bottom horn, it shouldn't look like a horn, maybe just a simple shape to illustrate the body of the Toro.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#299 & #298 more refined on abstract bull
12 years ago
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