TorakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Torak

Torak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 436 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.




























Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Now #151 is completely different. This was a gamble because you don't completely follow the direction given in the brief but it feels like you got inspired to just draw this creature. We love that it looks like a bull but it could be an imaginary creature. Since Torak is an invented name, we love the idea of an invented creature to represent Torak, like a mythological Russian inspired creature that is absolutely unique (like the Kirin in the Chinese mythology). Could you please try to add some colors, even small touches on the letters or the creature. Please submit other entries, either completely different or variations on this theme.

We were not expecting to go into this direction but you truly caught our attention.

Thank you!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, LOL, is not a gamble, if we all follow directions by 100% all will come with same design... i saw most of your request about the logo (i always take a look on the right sliders and 1st ranked, then i try to make something totally different from 1st ranked but following those sliders and your texts) ;) is my way to usually work, just showing a different perspective of your company logo. will try to get inspired about this creature that you are asking (hope that something comes to mind), and will try to send different versions fo this design tomorrow.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
BTW: u cannot say that is not unique ;)
13 years ago
Oh it's unique!

Just know that your current logo already feels mythical, there is something very comforting about this creature you invented. Don't hold back (obviously you don't) but just know that we are looking forward for your next entry before limiting the field to a few designers.

Feel free to do a Google search on Kirin. I read a book mentioning this mythical creature and I had to look it up. What your logo did to us is give our invented name an image. We still believe that an abstract logo is ideal because Torak is abstract (it doesn't really mean anything) but now you have triggered something for us to consider very seriously.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I canot figure to mix a man with a bull because is a bad image in some countries, and putting a hat of cossack to the bull is too funny.

In my current design the bull looks strong and also the shape is mythological but looks like current.

Possible Ideas to improve the "torak":
1.- put hair of fire in the back of the current bull
2.- put a sword into the back of the bull ( but spain or mexico events came to my mind) nice idea on this that the torak looks really strong, BUT will be dead soon ;) so forget nº2.
3.- mix the cossack with the bull, will give us a bad image in some countries.
4.- put the hat,.. just forget it...

so if you like the idea i will go with nº1 for my next design or for improvement in the current one (i explained why not the others)
13 years ago
We can try idea 1, but you could also play on the letters by adding color. A touch of red somewhere in the image and the letters might do the trick. It doesn't have to be much but we need to see some red, we won't go with a black and white only logo.

Don't hesitate to also submit something totally different. We feel more comfortable inviting to the Top 5 round designers that have submitted more than one strong logo.

Thank you.
13 years ago
If you have another stroke of inspiration, let us knwo and we will try to bring you back into the Top 5. The only reason we didn't include you now is because we only received 1 logo idea. We still believe that your 1 logo was amazing but more variations or brand new ideas would help.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i am working on it.. will write you once i got it ;)
13 years ago
Thank you :)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello again...I will be uploading the logos this night (in about 6 hours) or tomorrow if i am not in the top5 ;).


13 years ago
You are back into the Top 5, looking forward to seeing your exciting work.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
My entry is on #305... hope that you like it ;)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
and i've sent another ideas of the creature ;)
13 years ago
Wow! This is very impressive. We are still trying to wrap our heads around this idea. Very original. You truly invented a creature. We might need some time to react to this idea but you have absolutely submitted something unique. #306 and #307 are very bizarre but captivating.

Regarding #304 and #309, we love the movement but you were right that the red flames might be too much. Could you try using red on the mask and removing the flames or making them black. Whatever looks better to you, but the red flames are distracting from the rest of the creature.

You are super talented. Thank you.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
;) i posted updates (red hairs) and a better one to replace #307 ( #315 )
13 years ago
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