TitanLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Titan

Titan has selected their winning logo design.

For $500 they received 370 designs from 69 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Uniforms and Apparel
What We Do
Titan Uniforms is a custom uniform and apparel company that manufacturers high quality garments and uses embellishment options such as silkscreening, embroidery, twill, and sublimation. We represent all sports for both men and women. Our strength is our fast turnaround and low minimum orders.
Color Preferences
1. Silver, Orange, White
2. Black, Silver, White
3. Red, Silver, White
Our Ideas & Additional Information
This logo will need to be embroidered for labels, please no gradients or dropshadows. Logo should trend toward more bold letters and strokes to accomodate embroidery. No serif fonts. TITAN should be very bold, strong, and stand out. Using the letter "T" as a strong letter mark is acceptable.


Order by
Entry Number











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1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 1 ... 7 Next >


Logo Designer
CH, would you post some comments here so that we can find out what you do like about the submissions and maybe some more about what you're looking for?
16 years ago
Sure thing. I really like the mask idea, especially in profile however its not a necessity. A styled "T" or "T U" would be acceptable as well. I like the font in #6 and the helmet in #14. I need less detail and bolder fonts and strokes however since I need to embroidery labels that will go on the garments we produce. The nike swoosh and the adidas stripes represent a clean bold look, easy to embroider and uncomplicated. I'm looking for the same feel.

Also, "Titan Uniforms" is sufficient for the logo, feel free to leave off "apparel" to make everything fit.
16 years ago
#35 has a good idea with the solid "A" but the font itself doesn't work. #4 is good with bold lettering but the helmet needs eyeholes or something to give it slighly more shape.
16 years ago
Sorry, I meant #44 in the post above ^^^
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Typefaces revised as well as throwing another couple of colours in the mix. And adding a slash across the triangle to emphasize the A. Thoughts would be greatly appreciated. C
16 years ago
#62 looks good with a solid A. The type face itself needs to be bolder and less space between characters though and "UNIFORMS" could be added underneath.
16 years ago
#54 I like the direction of this one. Perhaps the helmet brush could be a solid color to make it easier for embroidery.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
As requested changes have been made, type is bolder with a solid A and added uniforms underneath. Thanks for the feedback C.
16 years ago
#68, #77, and #88 are working with a modified "A". I like the idea but these executions need more work.

#81 looks to be going with a modified "T". This is prefered over a clip of swords and helmets, but this version needs much improvement. The Toyota Tundra "T" is an example of a modified T than we are looking for, some kind of drawn, not just a type face letter. While references to greek, roman, and spartan warriors are working, a strong "T" seems to fit our direction a little better. "TITAN" should be kept bold and "UNIFORMS" kept as the tag line with some increased character spacing and ALL CAPs.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Regarding the A in what respect are you looking for improvements? C
16 years ago
CD, regarding the "A", I think some other variations could be used. The zipper won't work since I can't embroidery that. Perhaps something like "/\" or another creative way to represent the letter.
16 years ago
#109 looks great. I like the font, it looks a little more modern, but can you remove the small outline, it won't translate to embroidery too well.. The helmet is the best one yet but perhaps too much detail.

#107 has a good start with a designer "T" but it seems to clash with the font for "TITAN"

15 years ago
#116 looks great. The helmet looks original and will be easy to embroider and the slant to the text works nicely. Perhaps moving the helmet to the left of the logo and changing the font to something like #119 will be more toward our direction.

#113 has a very tough stoic look. I like the text but the helmet looks a little too much like a robot.

#119 looks good without the outline. The helmet is too detailed for us after looking at the newest entries.

I'd still like to see a designer "T" logo.
15 years ago
#122 has fantastic rendering of a helmet. The font doesn't work for our needs, perhaps a more solid bold font like the others in the top 5.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks.... i have just submitted a revision of my previous entry... hope you'll like it.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
EX you just blatantly copied an already existing logo....with #122 and you others, right down to the sword for the T


thats pretty ridiculus.....
15 years ago
Struve nice catch. eliminated.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
jealous people don't win...... this looks fun!

i will join!
15 years ago
I agree #155 and #130 are similiar but unless there is a mind blowing entry, #140 is unique enough for us.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
For what it's worth, I would steer away from the helmet icon. While the highest ranking ones are amazing graphic icons, any perceived affiliation with a particular sports team might alienate others. On the one hand, it does scream competitive sports which is appropriate. On the other hand, it's not necessarily gender neutral (as requested) and has a slight tone of gaming/fantasy which is not necessarily your audience. But that's just one perspective among many so take it with a grain of salt.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
That being said, my vote would go to #201, or #205.
205 would weigh in nicely next to competitor logos such as nike, reebok, and addidas.
201 is strong and elegant at the same time and still says "battle" for the competitive sports consumer.
Plus I just like them so KUDOs to the artists! :-) Hope that's OK to say.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Well these are two entirely different industries here. obviously M. state isn't selling uniforms and Titan isn't a school.

Obviously the type and especially colors reinforce they are seperate entities.

These don't personally make me think of State's or any other school logo because the colors tied to those logos are distinct.

I would suspect they (Titan) would like to provide services to places like M. state and others, so i would argue that the helmet icon would be more memorable to some clients and possibly even make them show favor toward this because of it.

I also feel that teh helmet draws more attention and notice to itself as opposed to any T variation i've seen here.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
yea um #201 . Looks just like my bend in the text and the outline since I was the only one to do it in #182 #191 #192 .
15 years ago
Logo Designer
#140 very nice work struve :D
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks sparkhaven-- lets hope i still pull this one out! :)
15 years ago
I had to extend the contest for another 5 more days. We like the helmet designs however it poses a problem with gender neutrality. We offer both women's and men's uniforms and apparel and a masculine logo doesn't work for our female clients.

We do like the direction of #205 but we would like to see more variations in this direction. Good luck.
15 years ago
#237 has a great "T" logo. the font needs to be changed to a more modern san serif font though. Thanks for the new entries
15 years ago
#244 is on the right track. Looks good.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
impressive top 4, lucky CH

I do like struve's though
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks bluejet. means al ot coming from you. it looks like i am going to have to pull something different out if i am to win this contest though....
15 years ago
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Congrats, Yesk!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks Geoff
15 years ago
Logo Designer
After days and days of judging, I can finally say "Congrats, Yesk!"
15 years ago
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