Thanks Ivan looking great. Question for you- I plan on using the logo everwhere & for most of my places the black background will work great. Can I have two versions of it? One w/the current background & the other with a white background? Thanks!
Hi Atishler, Since you like the design, changing the color is not a problem. I will provide all the colors you need. #46 is gray shading on white background, #47 is black on white and #48 is inverted. Same goes for #49 #50 and #51 but the icon is on the side. If you want me to try other colors and backgrounds please let me know Hope you like it
Very cool thank you. So when I decide on your logo, you can create a file with a few of them w/different colors?
For 99% of the time the black background is great, but on certain objects I may need the lighter background so it blends in better. (Just for an example.)
Hey- I like your concept but was wondering if you can keep your idea going and change the "building" to reflect more of a house/home?? I sell & rent single family homes mostly and I'm just starting to question does the image reflect too much like a building? Thanks again, I really do appreciate it.
Hi Aaron, I am very glad that you like the concept. If you choose my design i will provide everything you need for the logo for every type of print or web, sizes, colors... everything. About the concept, it is already a house but no problem will make it to look on house even more.
#77 little different approach with the same idea. Please tell me if you like this more so we can continue working on this. About #45 coloring with white background it will not look very good because it will blend with the background. I am using gradient just to imitate silver (shades of gray), but when you gonna print this logo you can choose a metallic colors and they look great on both dark and light backgrounds.
Hey Aaron, Another idea for your logo: #122 - #125 on black background and #126 - #129 on white. Everything is changeable, so if there is anything you want me to change please let me know