Entry 47 the best so far. Just curious could you try doing the sneakers on the T. So a T for Tippy T for T and maybe the overlap and a show on each? Something like that. I think we are real close
ok so better. On #51 can you only do the T in Tippy with the show and make it bigger. The T is toe would still be red but smaller like you have it now just no show. Then i think we got it!
#52 yes. Add the white stroke back around the top of the large T in Tippy. Just stop it before it gets to the show. Then just get rid of the shoe on the small T. make sure T is inline with beginning of I in Tippy and we should be good. thank you
Entry #55. I'm going to award this as the winner however I want the white stroke on the small T as well. Also round of the sneaker using the black stroke and get rid of the white shadow area under the sneaker. thank you