Bare with me while I submit and explain the process for this batch of concepts. I have submitted a large amount of different concepts and not the same idea with 10 different variations, as such, if you want to see any changes or variations, please just mention them and I can submit your variations. Also note I did not include your .com or .tv - this can be added later based on your preference (wasn't sure which one to use).
3-dimensional approach using iconic imagery and clean type.
Strong imagery concept using the idea of converting the tiles into something else (not necessarily spring water as shown). Could be a reference to the "reviewing" nature of the site.
I think #116 is the concept to pursue. I'd like to see the colors tweaked and the font played with. I dig limey greens and bright, aqua blues. Use your judgement on colors. A really recognizable font would be nice too.
Also, can you incorporate a flow of tiles within each letter?
Thanks for so many ideas!! I appreciate it greatly!
#145 - I'd like to see the font a bit sleeker and more crisp feeling. It's a bit chunky. The colors are good! Can you make the drop look "tiled" and then another rendition of just the tile being 'tiled" I'm curious about them....
Also, what about adding a 3rd color and making the icon silver or gray and really modern looking? Here is a link of how our website will layout: Our logo will replace the example header and the color scheme will be changed to cool, modern grays.
I'd also like to see the icon on the left to make a long logo instead of up above.
I know this is a mouthful but I'm excited about your direction! Jared
Here's a couple more entries focusing more on subtle, but modern colors with iconic imagery and type. I tried loosing the green as I wanted to tie in the "water" with the "spring" without confusing things too much. Looking forward to any changes you may have.