Any way to give these "tiles" a slight 3D twist/feel like #144? also, I'd like to see several different sleek fonts that you think are original or just have lots of class....
Please refer to this comment and the two before it. (I've been having ideas regarding your logos over the last few hours...)
The detail of the blue wave in #151 is awesome! Can you use that same kind of detail within the waves on #150?
Also, the charcoal colors in #151 are great! I'd like to see them used on #150 too... I'm thinking it would be cool to turn the tile "box" into a tv simply by adding antennas to it...What do you think?
I like the font and colors of #192. Can you create a SLIGHT gradient on the tile to mimick the look of 150 tile but keeping color scheme and font of 192?
I like 195 but would like to see font and color scheme of what I've suggested in above comment.
can you make waves inside tile smaller and have them come from middle portion of tile instead of corner? (Much like dimchevski logo)
I don't really like the antennas you've provided and would like to see something more sleek. I don't really think TV when I look at it. can you improve it to look more like a tv or computer monitor?
Also, with all logos: I'd like to see tile less dominant and to the left of TileSpring.