I like your direction on this. Please give me more choices on the color of the border. Also play with the fonts based your creativity choices. I like the upscale look, if you have any other ideas please submit
Thank you for your feedback and appreciation. Here are the revised versions, with different fonts, ice cream, colors: #126, #127, #128, #129, #130, #131, #132, If you like, you may combine the fonts from one entry, with the color from another one etc
can you also give me both styles 134 & 140 without the cone on the bottom of the "&" design, keep what you designed on top of the cone, some of the kiosks may not have soft serve ice cream in them, probably only a small percentage but I would like to see how that would look also. I am heavily leaning toward your design!
I am narrowing down your choices. Can you make the entries ranked 3rd through 10th just like entry rank 1, no cone and the "on the go" inside the design. Any other color choice combinations that you think would look great please feel free to add more, maybe different fonts also.
Thank you very much for your designs, I like that you were able to make it upscale but I can also use it in locations that are more casual.
Hello Norm. Thank you for your intention of picking me as your winner.
Here are the revised versions for entries ranked 3rd through 10th: #161, #162, #163, #164, #165, #166, #167, #168 And some new fonts and colors: #169, #170, #171, #172, #173, #174, #175
We`ll wait until Tuesday for the kiosks to arrive and see which of the above versions suits best.
Thank you Norm! Here are the revised versions as follows: - for entry #144 (1st ranked): entry #176 (with the original periwinkle color), #177 (with a lighter shade for a better contrast with black), #178 (with an even lighter shade). I also played with the border`s colors (black or periwinkle). - for entry #141 (3rd ranked): entry #179 (with the original color), #180 (with a lighter shade), #181 (with white background and periwinkle lettering).
Norm, thank you for appreciating my work. Here are the revised versions as follows: - for entry #180 (currently ranked 1st): entry #182 - for entry #135 (currently ranked 11th): entries #183, #184, #185. I hope I understood well your request on this one.
Regarding your other question, of course I can send you the files for 2 designs. There won`t be a problem at all.
Good morning I took everything out of the rankings except the two styles I want. I would like to see #1 in the blue border, & and on the go like #2 after you do that can you take this updated #1 and make a second version with just the "on the go" in black Also have a second version of #2 with just the "on the go" in black.
Question - on the two files I pick, are they editable? These colors I am picking are for the kiosk I am putting in our showroom. Our customers will be able to change the colors of the Kiosks they are ordering and will use this logo. Can my sign guy be able to change the colors of my logo to show the potential customer different choices as you have been doing for me? He is making me menu boards and has been changing color choices on those so I am assuming he has the software to edit. If the file is editable can you let me know if there is a specific type of file format you can provide for this so I can make sure that will work for him
Thanks again, I can't wait to see your logo on our new kiosk in our showroom!
Good morning to you, too. Here are the the revised versions: - for #178: entries #186 and #187 - for #184: entry #188
Regarding your questions, the answer is yes, the files are editable. They are .eps (Adobe Illustrator CS5 or lower version). I can provide you other editable files, as well: .ai (Adobe Illustrator CS5 or lower), .cdr (Corel Draw X5 or lower). Just let me know which file types and which version your designer needs.
I have made my choices, I would like the two designs rank #1 and #2
All the next requests are way above my pay grade! I hope I am clear in how I'm explaining what I need!
I would like them in Illustrator .ai & .eps so my sign guy can edit the colors to match customers locations
I would also like them in a .jpg, .png, .psd for print & web. I need these files to be able to stay clear if they are expanded from a logo on a letter to a a sign or menu board.