I like the way you used color on #27. I struggled with that sort of concept - but I was working with greys. I think if the bird was shown with it's wings in three different flight positions and with the color scheme you might have a winner.
I actually really like #64 in B & W. Can I see it without the text of the company name below it? Also if it's not too much trouble, instead of the black circle surrounding it, what would it look like using repeating text in its place (ie, ThreeCrowProductionsThreeCrowProductionsThreeCrowProductionsThreeCrowProductions) as a circle surrounding the heads?
Negate my last ask... Somebody else tried it... and it wasn't looking pretty. CAn we blow up the logo size a bit on #68 and try a different font underneath. Perhaps try something in the same family or something modern that's not too cheesy.