The logo is going from left (bigger circle) to up right (smaller circle). I think it's better to start from left with the small circle to the right with the bigger circle.
Do not withdraw. The name of the company include the word "point" and both you and LGDesign used a dot for the logo. I don't think you copied. The style of LGDesign is different from yours.
I had a thought about the Entry# 86 that i like very much because is very minimalist and simple. It gives me the idea of "optimize". What is missing is the "move forward" meaning.
What you think about adding a "trace" on the left of the point? Let me know what you think about it.
With trace I mean something that gives the idea of "moving", a sort of ghost image behind, like when you move the mouse cursor too fast and you notice the trace of the movement.
I love your design. You got the first three positions!
I can't really decide which one I like most.
Please help me with the foolowing thoughts: - The font could be smoother, but not too much "rounded" - The trace could have different colors, to mean that behind it there are different competences
Thanks for all your feedback, I don't know which design is the best, i like the new ones with colors. I prefer the the old fonts, i think they look better in the design than the new rounded ones...
I hope we can deliver a good work at the end, please send me your suggestions, I'm open for new ideas.
The #181 is now my favourite. I like the rounded font, but also the previous one is not bad. Please keep the rounded one, maybe at the end we can fine tune again the font.
The colors combination is perfect for the logo in the entry #181.
For the text, I was thinking that I don't like the "o" and the dot of the "i" in another color. It means to me nearly nothing. Can you make one submission with the text "TheSmartPoint" with just "Smart" in the blue color you used in the logo?
Maybe also "Optimize and move forward" can be in blue color and just a little bit bigger.