I like your take on the lime - could I see a version of this without the text in a messy handwriting font? I like that the font seems non-standard (not sure if you tweaked or not) so if you're able to do something similar with a different font, that would be great to see.
We really like the font choice in #21, but we'd like to see "Youngrens" stand on it's own more - can you come up with a version that minimizes the "The" a little bit, and keeping "the" all lowercase?
I can't tell you enough how much we're digging your take on the lime. The stuff you people can pull together out of thin air amazes me.
Anyway, we really like the variation of #38 with the two-tone greens for the circle and the "the". Very cool stuff. Again, we also dig the font.
What would be great to see is a couple variations of #38 with the lime in different spots, for the different instances where we might use it. For example, we'd like to see one with the lime to either side of "the youngrens". Any other interesting/cool spatial arrangements that you can provide would be very helpful.
Thanks for showing the lime in different locations; super helpful!
Could you take #78 and do two things to it:
1) Leave "the" as-is, but change the color of "Youngrens" to some kind of Gray? Not a light grey, but a darker one.
2) Can you make the slices inside the lime less rounded on the outside parts? We're feeling like if our clients didn't know it was supposed to be a lime, they may think it's a flower. We're thinking that making the slices less round will make it look less-flowery, but if you have alternative ideas to make it look less flowery and more lime-y, that would rock.