Pixel - thanks for the designs, however these are a little too "flowery" for our taste. Additionally, the text is too standard, can you have another go at it?
Hi, thanks for your feedback, I got new ideas, they're in my entries #131 and #130. I hope you like them. I will also try to make entries #111 and #110 simpler and i will upload it tomorrow,, cheers
Thanks for #131 and #130, however these are too stylized/conceptual. Without being told that this is supposed to be a lime, I don't know that a client would realize. Thanks!
I hope you like my new design. I created a few variations and color schemes but I don't know about the font. Maybe you'd prefer a handwritten style or a light font? Let me know what you think, thanks :)
I actually think that your font is fantastic, but we're not digging the lime as much.
I'm wondering if you can apply the fresh, clean style that you have in this lime, to the lime that we already have on our website. i really like the overall concept of our current lime (on one side, clean, thin lines, immediately recognizable as a lime), but I love your style and would like to see the two blended. You can view our current lime at www.theyoungrens.com.
I know this may be a strange request, but I'd love to see what you can come up with! Oh! With the font, we would like "the" to be all lowercase.
:) you're welcome, this is the new design based on your concepts #198 and #199 i will try some other colours and variations. thankyou for the idea, i appreciate and think it looks good now
Love the new designs and the lime on its side. Can you make the inside part of the lime look less like flower petals? Also, we want "the" to be small and understated as compared to "Youngrens." Right now "the" seems way too large. We'd also like to see some variations with the font. I like the uppercase font in #206 and #205, but remember that we have specifically asked that the lime is not included in the word itself (so don't make the "O" the lime).
Please make sure to read all of our comments on the front page before proceeding!
hi please check my new submission #235 #236 and tell me what do you think with the size of the? is it too small ? anyway how about the lime ? do you think its less flower petal looks now? thanks
You're AWESOME with all your variations! I've marked a bunch as "Not Interested" to assist in the ranking. I'm leaving in the ranking the concepts that you presented that are markedly different from each other.