you do great work. I am really digging the water ripple/hurricane image with the modern font. on the one I ranked number 1 could you round the image a bit more like the the others you did, this prevents it from looking like some new age symbols that have baggage we don't want to carry. Also I would love to see how this looks inside and "icon box" like apple does and other app designers use. Keep up the great work.
#52 isn't exactly what i had in mind when i said "rounded". sorry if i was a bit vague on that, let me try to explain a little more: on entry #39 that you submitted the ripple or hurricane icon bends back in on itself, forming more of a circle. i was wondering if you could do that same sort of effect on the icon in #41, which is the one i like best right now.
i'm really excited about your design & visited your website: you're really talented! thanks for working on our design idea & please keep trying new things with it, we're excited about the simplistic & modern design that you've created.
let me know if you need more clarification about the ideas i am suggesting.