I love these. Can you actually use our Village above the guy between his arms. Then where it says The Village, replace with, Pint Club. And where it says SPORTS CLUBS, replace with OCOTILLO. Is it possible to give the man a generic face? Great job!
Should I change "Pint Club" to "The Pint Club"? I updated some design elements (beer mug, etc.). If you would like to see another font or even more color schemes, please let me know.
Wow, these are great. I like the color schemes of 9 and 10, 7 and 8. Just a couple things. PINT CLUB, is perfect. Just have the town OCOTILLO, no state. Is it possible to change the beer mug to a Pint glass? Just curious. Thank you very much!
So, we had a management meeting and I showed them 2 final designs. The feed back I got that I wanted to run by you and see if there is anything we can do. They would like to see if its possible to add a woman along side of the guy to show its a co-ed running club. The other thing is they wanted to see a color scheme that is more of what is hot in fitness clothes right now, like the day glow colors. Like Day Glo (neon) Green, Orange, with Black or Royal Blue? Let me know what you think? I appreciate it!