Hello, I am glad you like the design. If you have any suggestions on improvement please let me know and I will work on that. Thank you in advance. Elena
I really like this design. But I would like the almond on the top with the two leaves to be more reflective of an almond. Maybe three almonds without the leaves??
Hello, may I ask if there is anything specific you would like me to experiment on my design? Perhaps some font or some color? thank you in advance Elena
Thank you very much for your preference in my design. I just uploaded the files for the page. Please also download all the extra files you need, using this link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xonh9a9c0f6j9da/AAAtdBLD2s8Bn1JwTCTqeFIya?dl=0 If you need anything else, my personal email is elenakastrinou@yahoo.gr If you are satisfied with the files please approve files and payment. Thank you for the smooth cooperation Best Elena