My aim was to create a clever, bold and simple mark, that immediately and clearly communicates the companies purpose. I used tools of a stone mason to illustrate this purpose by incorporating two trowels into a home in one layout and the other layout has one trowel incorporated into the "o" of the word "stone". I hope these are to your liking or close to it. I eagerly await your feed back.
I like #11 I want the name to appear more professional or perhaps classy, I want it to look like a quality company, I do like the symbolisim of the trowel but I want to be different than any other masonry company
Hi, I thank you VERY much for the feedback. As per your suggestions, I took the work "classy" into consideration and was reminded that "classy" can also be subtle, so I place a subtle hint of a natural stone motif extruded from the main text. Color-wise I placed the stone motif on a light grey back drop so as not to over power the whole mark.
The second layout is a juxtaposition of "SP" with the stone motif. The "S" and the "p" together, to me, have created a very unique and powerful mark that stands out, works well and can still be see clearly when it is reduced.
I truly hope these are to you liking or close to it.
David! #18 is very nice, that's what I wanted, something with some meaning to the name or trade. I like the SP symbol together, that's awesome! Thanks You for listening to me! No other designer has as of yet. I understand #18 and #17 are different but I almost want to put them together. I like the way #17 is bold and shows the stone word as a focal point. I know in#18 you are highlighting the SP in the wording also but maybe we can try to make #18 The Stone Professionals a little more bold like #17 with the SP symbol on the left! I really appreciate your design and I'm getting excited to see more. Thanks You!
Thanks a million for the feedback and placements. Please see the amendments I have made from your guidance. I added some more colors to the natural stone detailing of the logo to give it some more vibrance, but only just a little so it doesn't come off as cheesy. Initially, I did not think that merging the two concepts would work, but while executing it I realized how great it looked. Thank you for this. I truly hope this is to your liking or close to it.
What 's up David! Thanks for the changes! I love the idea but I need to fine tune it for a while if you don't mind. I would like to see what it would look like a little more commercialized as far as the shadow on the SP. Maybe something to accent the dark shade of the SP with a glare on it to make it a little cleaner of a look. And the wording of The Stone Professionals, can we try to make "The" and "Professionals" still in the back ground but darker so you can see the words better and "Stone" still bigger to highlight it as the focal point as you have been doing! Hope that makes sense. I really appreciate your time, I love it but need to see some different versions of it. Thanks
Thank you for the feedback. Please see the amendments as I understood them. I had some trouble interpreting the word "glare" but I added what I believed you wanted. A slight glare at the top of the "s" in the "SP" symbol.
The other layout was an attempt at making the mark more stream-line and easier to understand, by removing the first letters in "stone" and "professional" and using the mark as initial caps.
David, I really like #54. I guess my request was hard to understand but I like what you did. I just want to see what it will look like if instead of the stone grey shadow or background on the SP symbol if we could change that part only to maybe a different color or with an outline or somehow make it look like it's a little more commercialized. I will try to find and example to guide you to what Im thinking. Thanks
Ok! # 59 is looking awesome! I love the SP symbol with the highlight and the way you made it look more commercialized, it looks great, even more professional! I like "The Stone Professionals" with the highlight on it but maybe not as much of a highlight so we can see the words a little more. Just turn down the light on it a little bit please. Were getting close I just want to make it the way I want it. I have been in this trade for over 15 years and I'm now starting a new business in this trade hence a new logo. I don't have any colors picked out yet. I do like the colors we are working with already but just wondering if I can see it in some other colors to see what it might look like? I really appreciate your hard work and patience! Thanks
I have uploaded some color variations on light, medium and dark backgrounds, so that you can see how your color works with the logo and how it functions on any background. I truly hope that I've hit the nail (or chisel ) on the head or I'm close to it. I eagerly await you response.
Hi David, #85 is the best one once again and I like the colors the way they are! Can we put a highlight on the word "stone" and maybe another one on the SP similar to #62 I want to make the SP look like a shiny prize for my clients! Thanks
I have chosen your design/logo!!!! I appreciate all your hard work. I would like to think about it for a day or two to see if I want to make any minor changes. I will let you know soon if I want any changes. Thanks You so much for all of your patience and persistence. I really like the design and can't wait to finish the process. Talk to you soon, Charles
David, i have selected you as the winner. I 'm just curious. I thought I had a few days to adjust things if I wanted with you. Is that right? If so do I down load the files then we can make some changes if I want to? please let me know. Thanks