bluberri, Excellent first draft. I love the trunk and you captured the person reaching up through it and the burst of branches representing potential and growth. I do like the color of the trunk and roots, but I'm feeling like the rest of the colors feel more suited for younger aged kids, and I will be mainly working with adults and high school aged kids. I would like to see the branches in a more hunter green. I don't know if that will mute the overall feeling or not but I'd like to see to compare. I would also like to see the "Find your voice..." and the circle outline in a deeper, richer blue for comparison. Tap Your Truth should be all one color and I'm thinking red to set it apart from the rest while still flowing into the color palette as well. I'd also like to see the logo without the two green curved lines reaching to the "Find your voice." I understand why they're there, but just want to see if it flows without them. What I liked about the image I sent was the vibrancy of the colors, the richness as well. I don't know if it's because they are more primary colors, or if those coors will actually mute the overall energy of your piece, but let's see and we'll take it from there. Thanks so much.
bluberri, Unfortunately I think we lost some vibrancy of the piece and of the person in the tree by using darker colors. It also feels a bit flat now. Can you incorporate gradation to the color scheme in the leaves and in the words to bring it alive a bit more. I do like the color of the "Find your voice..." in the new entry. The font for Tap Your Truth is a bit bland as well. If you can bring some life to those words and all in the same color as well (can also be gradated to bring more life. Thanks
bluberri, Very nice revisions. Thank you. Is there a way in #7 to tone down the yellow a bit in the tree. I love the color scheme and the gradation but the yellow is bleeding a bit. Just a bit less I think in the words too. Thanks
bluberri, Nice updates - we're heading in the right direction. A few comments: - Are entries 7 and 10 the same? - Entry 7 - too much yellow throughout entire piece. Try a gradient from blue to red in the Tap Your Truth words. I also want to play with this font in both 7 and 13 to make it a bit more stylistic. It's ok but a bit too simplistic.
- Entry 13 - Can you make the entire image as big as entry #4 - It will make the tagline bigger too. Can you also utilize the exact colors of the tree from #4 to make it bolder. Can you remove the glint on the actual tree and just incorporate it in the background. Don't be afraid to incorporate more red into the piece. The gradient of the background can be red to orange instead of orange to yellow. The yellow is taking away from the energy instead of enhancing it. Maybe a touch can be there, but right now there's too much. The words need to be rotated a bit because they are not centered. You can also gradient the Tap Your Truth words from Blue to Red.
I think that by incorporating red into the overall pieces will enhance it alot as well as play into the empowering connotation of the services of the company.
bluberri, Ok. I am impressed with the actual picture of the tree. It represents what I’m trying to express very well. The colors and the fonts are the issues now. Definatey must change the fonts of both logos below. All words should be the same color as well. Maybe Rich Blue or Dark purple or even Red. Name and tagline can be different colors though. Here’s what I’d like to see in each logo: #23 – Somewhere between the color it is and the color of #4 lies the color I’m looking for in the actual branches. The trunk works very well. Also, Please experiment with different fonts to add a bit more life to the words. Although I don’t know of any font names that would work, I know that these have all been a bit plain. The gradation in the words is not working so good, so let’s stick with a solid color – maybe a rich, bold blue. I don’t know what needs to happen with the “Find your voice…” but it’s really hard to read because it’s so small. A darker color maybe? Different placement? I see it’s as big as it can get where it is, so play with it a bit if you could. #4 – Somewhere between the color it is and the color of #23 lies the color I’m looking for in the actual branches. The trunk color should be that of #23 as well. The problem with the circle is that it actually goes against the freedom and growth aspect that I’m selling, by encapsulating the image. What if you removed the actual circle and put the “Find your voice…” underneath and curved the same as the “Tap Your Truth”. Please change the fonts as well. We’re getting down to it now, although I should be getting an extension of three days hopefully. Whatever variations of those ideas you can get me would be great. We’re getting there. Thanks
bluberry, #42 and #43 - I like this new font the best of what you’ve shown so far for Tap Your Truth. I think there may be a better one out there for the tagline though. Could you also make the tagline all red. I want to see how that reads. Thanks
bluberri, Let me try to be more clear so we're speaking the same language. "Tap Your Truth" is the company name: the font you had for that in #42 and 43 was better than the new one in 51 and 52. "Find your voice, Find your freedom" is the tagline. This is the text that I want you to change the font. I actually like "Find your voice" in red and "Find your freedom" in green like you have it in 51, but the company name should be changed back to the font from 42 and 43. Let me know if that's not clear and I'll try to clarify. Thanks
bluberri, Right now, it’s all about fonts. (#60 and #43) Tap Your Truth is really close, but the tagline is just too bland. Let’s see one without the tagline altogether, as well as other font options for Tap Your Truth. The words should still fit the flow of the entire piece.
If you can play around with font options for the tagline that would be great since we’d love it incorporated if it can be.
bluberri, I think we’re about there. Can we see #43 with the tagline in the font from #71 in green orange and red? Question for you: When we get the logo, will we be able to manipulate it? For example if we just wanted to use the graphic and not the words etc. Please let me know. Thanks
For your question, yes, you will be able to manipulate it (cropping or resizing) with photo editing software, but for changing colors or lines you will need a vector software program. Or I can do it for you and send you also an icon-only version, black and white, different sizes etc.
Thank you for everything so far. #73 is perfect as is - no more revisions...for now ;) #70 we'd like to see the tagline in the same exact font and style as #73 and in the same dark green as the branches, and then also in the red. The color it is now is making it blend out because of the tree. Thanks