Not fond of the shade of "orange"...concerned about how this logo would replicate in embroidery? Any idea? What would a one color version look like? Does it get TOO busy once you add a web address and phone number?
Thanks for the creativity...looking forward to seeing more options! :)
Now that you are in the top five, can you submit some versions with a different shade of orange, and some that include and a phone number? Also will hope to see a vertical version (for instance for use on a coffee mug) and a one color version for occasions when we cannot do full color.
Also wondering if there is a way to check the feasibility of embroidering this logo.
Let me know if you have questions or any other ideas/concepts that you would like us to consider.
Thanks for your feedback and rank me as one of the top 5. Here's my update based on your request #125,#126. also this is how the logo looks on embroidery #128. see how it looks good! what do you think?
Really pleased to see the effort you went to in showing how this would be embroidered.
So far, ALL of the men I show the logos to, like your design the best. But, I am feeling like there is something about it that I am not quite comfortable with. I don't know if it is a gender thing or what! lol
I do like circles far more than the energy and feeling of movement...don't know if the squares could become circles? Or if a bit more interesting font for the web address etc would be a good direction?
I just noticed your new design #181 and I really like that one...Can we see a version of that using red/yellow/green/blue behind the house/heart? I really like the idea of using the primary colors, as I think it gives people who work with marketing, printing, advertising, some sense of us "knowing and working" with those things...
Thanks! Can we see the colors of 182 with the original fonts in 181? You were right to start those first fonts better.... Then vertical version of that, and a one color version?
Thanks for trying the circles....don't think that works! lol
Getting excited about this one...thanks for your extra efforts! :)