Really appreciate the feel of this particular logo, but am really leaning towards the idea of not going so literal with the business name. Rather than making the goose silly or having it doing something silly I would like to turn the logo into a silly face of sorts. The inspiration came to me a couple of months ago when I caught my son in a store at the mall making silly faces in one of the display mirrors. I would love to see your take on this particular concept. I will be sending you a private message shortly. Thanks!
here you have a new version. I tried to use the work SILLY as the "character" hair and still make the whole loogo readable. Please let me know your thoughts, Thanks!,
Hi Katie, I hope you´re doing well. I was wondering if you are still interested in the goose icon. Should I continue improving it? Or you want us to go with the lettering design? Here´s an update. I think the logo should be nice but also reads well (for everybody, no matter the age). That´s the most important. Readable, memorable and clean. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks!, Nat
Nat...thanks for your message. I am definitely still very interested in the goose'll see that I've moved it to the #1 spot. I completely agree with your criteria of what a good logo should be. Yours (with the goose icon) by and far meets (& even exceeds) this, which is part of the reason for the ranking change. I would love to see you improve upon it, however, don't really know what to suggest. Any ideas and/or other submissions with the same overall feel/look would be welcomed and appreciated!
thanks for your comment. First of all I´d like to try different fonts. I think the style is ok, just need to find a font that is a bit more readable. I´ve been searching since last night, but can´t find a perfect one that fits the goose style. Once I find the font I´ll work on the icon to improve it, maybe more detail to the volume without adding gradients, always with the 3 colors, not adding more. This will allow you to print in any media, including embroidery and screenprint.
Nat...aha, I sense I'm working with a perfectionist!! From one perfectionist to another...I love it. I look forward to seeing some of the updates/improvements you mentioned. Thanks! Katie
Would it be possible to see a version of this logo (same feel) eliminating the blowout kazoo and just having the goose wear one of those goofy beanie hats with the propellers on it? Do you know what I'm talking about? After some thought, I'm just a tad worried that the blowout kazoo isn't necessarily that recognizable at first glance.
Hi Katie, here´s the new version. Let me say I can´t stop laughing at it. It just look silly hahaha. My daughter loves it :) I think I tried about 30 fonts, but I don´t feel any of them goes well with the illustration like the one I am using now. I just want to make it more readable, so maybe I´ll work on this font by hand and modify the parts I find confusing in a very subtle way.
In reference to #105...could you make the blue circle a bit wider? B/c of the height of the hat everything seems so vertical. I think by widening the circle it might balance out the goose image as well as the text. Thoughts?
I completely agree with the decision to keep the font. And, I love the subtle change...thinning it out does make it more readable.
p.s. - Please disregard my private message. I am now able to leave feedback.
good to hear you can leave feedback again. Maybe it was some kind of bug.
here you have a wider circle (now an oval). (#106) I also made some modifications to shadows and modified proportions so it´s not too vertical (less neck is showing now).
Nat...don't know that I wanted to go to a full oval. Can I see the circle just slightly wider than it was originally? With the shortened neck and slightly wider circle you might just hit it on the head. We'll see. Thanks!