EdNal, Is it possible for you to upload #67 but with red shoes? This is the one we would like to go with but I already selected #66. We are going to drop "The". I need to know a.s.a.p. as we are ready to implement this.
One last minute modification. We are considering dropping "the" and being just "service professor". Can you do that and increase the font size just a touch to fill the space. Or perhaps we can move the service professor up a touch and increase font size of "we'll fix it in a snap" to be more readable. I want to see the space maximized with "The" gone.
I'm not a fan of this. However, when we are all said and done, I would like to have the rights to the guy with the circle around him for other print materials (not including the name) if possible.
Hi, I already submit some example with the trades listed to the right of the logo, please have a look for my newest entries and let me know what you think.
OK, I was able to upload a pic of our truck. Could you try a version where the trades are listed to the right of the logo like they are on the truck. We did this so they could be read easily while traveling down the road. The version you have (with the logos on the bottom) can be used for all other marketing material, just not the trucks.
Also, please change the character's shoes from red to black.
Hi, unfortunately we are not allowed to communicate each other outside LogoTournament, so I think the best way you can show me your trucks is by upload it as the contest attachment like you did before with your current logo.
We had a meeting today and came up with the following:
1. It looks like the character is about to throw a punch with his right hand. Can we relax the right hand a bit. Maybe have it relaxing on his hip.
2. We need the trades (Electrical. Plumbing. Heating. Cooling to be bigger. I challenge you to have the logo readable on a business card when it is shrunk., and also readable when blown up on a truck going 55 mph down the road. I will try to upload a picture of one of trucks.
3. When the above items are addressed, I would like to see two options: One with a full bodies character and one with a half body.
And by the way, your contest is already in "Selection" phase right now, only the first ranked designer can still submit revision. Could you put me in the first place? so I can submit the revision you asked with the Electrical. Plumbing. Heating. Cooling texts on the bottom.
You are the clear cut winner. Very nice job. Would it be possible for us to reach back to you during business hours with possible revisions. We would like to reach out to our marketing group for additional opinions. Also, could you please submit one that includes Electrical. Plumbing. Heating. Cooling on the bottom so it includes our trades?
Hi, thanks for waiting, here is the update. Now the character is in full body and with same patches with your techs. He also doing a "snapping" gesture.
But for the wrench in the bottom of the text, I afraid I can't do it because the idea is belongs to another designer, I can't copy that because it against LogoTournament rules. But I did it in my own way, I hope you like it.
I really like your character. Please try to implement the same patches our techs have (www.4professor.com). Perhaps some options with full body character and "snapping" of his fingers. This is on the right track. I also like the idea of having a wrench on the bottom that says "We'll fix it in a snap".
Hi, I hope you like my design. I'm sorry, I just see your contest and didn't have enough time to complete the whole logo. Since now your contest is already in "Finalist" mode, only top 5 ranked designers can still submit design.
If you willing to give me a chance to complete the whole logo, please put me as one of your top 5 designer so I can see my submit button again.
Hi, I hope you like my design. I'm sorry, I just see your contest and didn't have enough time to complete the whole logo. Since now your contest is already in "Finalist" mode, only top 5 ranked designers can still submit design.
If you willing to give me a chance to complete the whole logo, please put me as one of your top 5 designer so I can see my submit button again.
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Just let me know if you want me to do another revision.
I'll let you know if we come up with any other revisions.
Also, please change the character's shoes from red to black.
1. It looks like the character is about to throw a punch with his right hand. Can we relax the right hand a bit. Maybe have it relaxing on his hip.
2. We need the trades (Electrical. Plumbing. Heating. Cooling to be bigger. I challenge you to have the logo readable on a business card when it is shrunk., and also readable when blown up on a truck going 55 mph down the road. I will try to upload a picture of one of trucks.
3. When the above items are addressed, I would like to see two options: One with a full bodies character and one with a half body.
But for the wrench in the bottom of the text, I afraid I can't do it because the idea is belongs to another designer, I can't copy that because it against LogoTournament rules. But I did it in my own way, I hope you like it.
If you willing to give me a chance to complete the whole logo, please put me as one of your top 5 designer so I can see my submit button again.
If you willing to give me a chance to complete the whole logo, please put me as one of your top 5 designer so I can see my submit button again.