Thank you for the additional ideas. We really liked that you greened both the words Scenic Road. Don't like the word slants on #26, so put it last. The only thing we'd like to see you change at this point on #24 is the font. To give you an idea what fonts appeal to us, please look at the designs by Fat Kid and Bluberri. Those fonts look a bit Western, but in a playful way. Thank you again.
Erwin, thank you for the new ideas. I like the curve in the road. We have mixed feelings on the new sign. It is great art, but we worry that the words become too subordinate to the overall picture, so we're not going to move it ahead of your last designs. Don't withdraw though since not everyone here has weighed in. Again, the art is very nice. you are very talented. If you come across any more fonts you think we might like more, throw them at us. Thank you.
We want to thank you Erwin for all the time you obviously are continuing to devote to our contest, but we have to admit that we prefer your earlier entries to the new ones. The color combination on the letters is nice, but we've lost definition due to the filling of letter holes, the added color background, and the grass in the letters. The words just aren't as clearly readable which is a problem. If you still wish to make a change, you might try some different eyes. We have shared the contest entries with friends and associates and some of the comments have been negative in referring to the "crazy eyes". These comments have us a little worried. Thanks again.
We very much like the new shade of dark green to the old one. Big improvement. We like that you toned down the grass on the lettering. We still like the cleanliness and simplicity of entry #38, but would like to see it with the new dark green with the lighter green outline and without the additional grass. Thanks.
Dear Shawn This my new entry #62, #63, #64, and #65....I made toned down the grass from lettering and i made some change entry #38 with lighter green outline and variation color in black... Best Regards Erwin72
Thank you Erwin. We prefer the new design and have replaced the previous versions in our rankings. The new dark green is much more pleasing. We appreciate seeing all the variations in color.