Evening Gusti, thank you for providing options with the revised colours
#31 can the vine be intwined through the font? Starting under the font and growing up? I need the vine to represent a connected presence with the earth but the freedom and inspiration to expand..... The vine is representative of the journey taken by my students.... A bit like a lotus plant - very firm in the mud but blossum to become the beauty for all to admire... :)
#41: Hi, kindly your comment on this one. I'm try to follow your direction on #31. Am I on the right track? Yes the Font ""The Roofless Shala" is thicker. Hopefully we can start something from here. Open for any suggestion.
#41 Could you look at trying to wrap the vine more closely around the text? It looks a little like it's just sitting on top of it and not connected? Could you look at the font type too? It's a little at odds with the concept, as it's quite formal and stiff...something a little more loose, but has some boldness to it in order stand out. Could you try and incorporate the new colour scheme too, which is referred to in the updated notes section. Thanks.
Afternoon Gusti #72 I do like the tree though I also need to consider an option of using the logo as a separate entity, without the words... any ideas?
#103 i like the S.... How about flowers on the vine and less leaves?
#103 with #10 How is this for a thought? Combining the S idea with the lotus flower from #10 ?? Though the flower not so bold, create it to be more refined, and the blossom is part of the top of the S..... No need for leaves...