Alright, I'm digging sham # 73 w/ the pipe opening for the's an idea and may totally not work at all, but instead of the water sticking to the green theme, is there a shade of blue to signify "hey this is water" and then put a droplet below stem/pipe opening that atleast partically is over edge of circle to help pop it off page. I had oringally included blue in my color spec. and someone early on combined blue,green,white and it looked good....i don't know that it will in this case, if it does look good then 72 may look better. With this design having the shamrock as a negative rather than green....I'm thinking blue could work......I'm thinking sort of a cobalt (bright blue)....I know dark won't look good and I don't want a realy light sky blue....I'd like to see it . I Like the pipe stem sham alot..thanks
ok. i am not sure why i ended up not using blue but i think it works. i tried a darker but it seems to not work as well. here are a couple of options to look at
I think 126 is going to be it......thats the right blue I think and I think the blue with the green looks great. The rectangle around the company name may look better just as a box and not as pipe. My question is this....if this is indeed the winning entry, what am I able to get. I'd like the winning entry, the winning entry w/ colors reversed ie: text green/box fill white, and the shamrock alone. Let me know if this is ok or not. I liked your shamrock from the beginning the most, I just needed to convey plumbing.....I think the blue/water did the trick for me. The font is a very retro----if you have any others that you think would look retro and nice, I'd like to see them. I'm just about ready to end contest and call it a day. Thanks for you hard work!
I think I'm good with this design----I'm going to look online to see if I can find any examples of a different font. I can be happy with the current font, I just wanted to explore any other options. Only change would be to make1st "C" in MCCOY to lower case ie: McCoy, but raise the lower case c up. Is there anyway to add Established 1980, Est. 1980, or Since 1980......w/o crowding the design. Let me know what you think. Thanks