The Property OutpostLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / The Property Outpost

The Property Outpost has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 190 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.


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Thanks for your entry. I just updated my comments box to give a better idea of what i am looking for please read it. Thanks again!
14 years ago
I like the addition of the hammer. I was wondering can you come up with something western? Like a trading post
14 years ago
Hello, Can I see your design in another color scheme. I not into the blue. i was thinking brown and gold like UPS or Black and gold, green and silver, etc.

What do you think about getting rid of the logo and just designing the name. Do you have any other ideas?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Yeah, absolutely.
And for removing the logo, I personally think it's needed here but I will play around with it and see if i can get anything to work. Maybe I can do something where the letter "O" has the little trading post in it and replace one of the "t" 's with the hammer?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Also, how do you feel about the background? Would you like it to remain white, or would you like to see it in another color?
14 years ago
thank you for the changes, I do like the entry #20 but I think the "o" with house look likes Noahs Ark. May need to make a change.
14 years ago
Hi can I see entry 38 with a star in the O instead of the house and in this color combo...
and I like the rusty brown
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I appreciate the comments, but another user has already uploaded a logo containing a star, and by the rules and regulations of Logo Tournament, I am not able to include that in my logo. Is their anything else I can do to fix this though?
14 years ago
Hi and thanks again. Entry #60 can you remove the structure and let me see the name alone? Also can I see the name without the hammer and replace with a sherrifs star?
14 years ago
#75 is starting to grow on me. To be honest out of all the logos that have been submitted by the artists I really haven't seen one that really grabs my attention.
i like the new color scheme of maroon and silver. Can I see something in red and silver kind of like coca cola?
14 years ago
the more I look at logos similar to #53 the more I think they are too busy with a house and a hammer.
14 years ago
i have been getting votes from others and #67 keeps getting attention. Can you redo the logo and checnge the hammer to a T
14 years ago
Logo Designer
14 years ago
Can I get the color sheme of #91 on #122?
14 years ago
#142 I like the colors. Can you use a smaller size font on"Outpost". I would like to see a slighty better balance between property and outpost. thanks
14 years ago
oh and slightly darker silver. It looks a little washed out.
14 years ago
thanks but too large. I just want the first two words slightly larger and a tad darker in silver. thx. Making a decision today.
14 years ago
Never mind... i see that you darkend the font.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for the mixup. I will try to fix those things up today. Is the font for the "The Property" too dark?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for the mixup. I will try to fix those things up today. Is the font for the "The Property" too dark?
14 years ago
thanks. #147 "the property" is little too big.
Can you swap out out the sherrif star for a regular 5 point star?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing. Do you want the "The Property" bigger then #142 ?
14 years ago
Congrats. We are goimg with your design. If its cool with you I wan to still play with it just a bit. Can I see "THE PROPERTY" in caps and slightly darker silver?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks. And you got it. I'll get working on it.
14 years ago
#184 Can I see a couple different versions? I would like to see "the" in lower case and "PROPERTY" in caps.
Is there away to work a little black into the logo?
14 years ago
I'm definetly going with 184. i dont care for th black star. What if you were to outline the star in black our maybe underline Outpost in Black?
14 years ago
hi let me see 184 with "the" in lowercase. thx
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I uploaded 3 more logos with some different variations with the underline. Outlining the start in black looked terrible so thats why thats not there. But for everything else, thank you so much for choosing my logo and letting me have this experience.
14 years ago
remember it is suppose to be #184. Outpost is lowercase. Please redo
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I apologize for the mix up. i must have misread your directions, but its up now.
14 years ago
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