we really like the "boldness" of your entry 15, 17, and 16. we just wonder if there is some simple tweak you can apply that would make them a little more playful, or put a "wink" into them -- or else something that makes them a little bit more odd?
the work is really good here -- really simple, nice-looking designs. for us, it's only a matter of whether they fit our personality.
our artistic director likes your entry 15, by the way, though he wishes the "THE" and the "PROJECT" were bolder and more connected to "PERFORMING ARTS."
and still, we wonder if there's a way to play with it just a bit more...
Can you please add the following to design number 52? Maybe on the outside of the circle? performingartsproject.com facebook.com/PerfArtsProj @PerfArtsProj youtube.com/PerfArtsProj 10outof12.com
We really like the balance of feminine and masculine in this logo. Don't worry about the website and social media information. You are right - cleaner is better. We love what you are doing - is it possible to explore more options with the yellow in this photo? We'd love to see what you come up with within that color, but in different shapes and movement. We also love the weatherbeaten font used as we are fans of the art of the imperfect. In addition to this design, we are also drawn to entry number 16, but would like to see a more feminine addition to it to balance it a little more.
Thank you! Nice work! Is it possible to continue playing with #1,6 but keep the yellow box square and the design inside of it black? And replace the actual swirly figure with some new ideas.