#18, #19, #20 & #21 I aimed for your story ('7+7+7=10') in your blog. This story has a uniqueness about it, that lends itself to the design in so many ways. Instead of aiming for that hard-to-get big '10', why not aim for all the little '7's. Achievable goals make us happy.
Oh my gosh...I LOVE #31!!! The way you made it look like a coin is fantastic!!! And I still can't believe you read the '7+7+7=10' story on my friend's blog and incorporated it so beautifully into a logo. WOW!! And even people who don't know that story still love the look of your logo!!
Can I see a vertical version of #31? Also, I like it without the tagline, but can I see how you would place it in the big coin version?
Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! Am loving your vision!!!
Hope you are having a good day (ie. lots of 7's). Thanks for your further kind compliments. I felt your logo has a story to it which represents your aim. It creates more depth to the image.
Here is #32 (darker, tagline added and vertical as requested). This one has more oomf!
I love #31 & #32!! I am going back & forth between vertical & horrizontal...they both look great!!! I can see uses for both (business cards vs. web) and think the design is fantastic!!
I'd like to ask for one further adjustment. The coloring in #32 looks great but I'd like to see the "7s" in the copper color they were in on logo #18 instead of green. Also, is there a way to keep the coin on its edge look but go back to the perspective of the 3 "7s" from #18?
I have to say again the whole idea/concept of this logo is GREAT!!! Everyone who looks at it, whether they know the 7+7+7=10 story or not really loves the logo. AND...it's a great conversation starter when people ask, "What do the numbers mean?" I love to tell that story and it really gets people engaged in the project. Yay!!!
Looking forward to a few tweeks and getting one step cloesr to my new logo.
Leslie, #45 contains your new requests. I am glad you are happy so far, and that the concept of the 'logo story' works well. It gives your logo another purpose, besides just being of a graphical nature. Let me know of any more tweaks and suggestions.
Keep well, Muz
p.s: Because this is a 'coin/penny' design, I had to have a go at an 'A.Lincoln' design #44 aswell. It serves less of a purpose than the design that you are happy with, but I had to have a bash at it! :-)
Hi there! I've sent the contest link to a group of friends, family & penny supporters and gotten some feedback. None of them have placed #45 in their top 3 (although it's clearly still my favorite). When I asked why, they are all confused by the 7+7+7=10 concept (which, again...clearly is something I know & love!). They all love the font/words but the graphic part of the logo isn't working for them.
SO...I was wondering if you could do a version of #45 without the numbers. And perhaps you can keep the main penny project font but do a logo that reflects one of the other aims/ideas of the project--there is joy everywhere, small things add up to make a big impact, little things matter, don't step over the joy in your life (like you step over pennies)...pick it up!!--something like that?
I still love the look of #45, so defintiely want to see it without the numbers, but if you come up with something else would love to see that too! Damn the test audiences! Why can't they all go read the blog and see how brilliant you are?!
Thanks so much for all your work...it's been really fun working with you on this!
Also, a friend of mine just said he is not a fan of my tagline (which I understand) and thinks this project is way more about stopping to enjoy little moments of joy than social change. So true! SO...if you can think of a way to incorporate that...even play with the words & come up with a different tag line, I'm also open to that.
A lot of the feedback tends to like the cartoon-ier logos...they seem to think those fit my personality and the project. BUT...I really, really don't want it to be overly cartoon-y. That's what appeals to me about yours. It's not childish but isn't overly corporate and stiff. It's a nice balance.
Don't know if any of this feedback is helping...Aghhhhh! At this point, I feel like I'm too close to it and my head is about to explode!
#56 Original design horizontal #57 Original design vertical with tag #58 Original design vertical without tag #59 New design horizontal with tag & without '10' #60 New design horizontal without tag & without '10' #61 New design vertical with tag & without '10' #62 New design vertical without tag & without '10' #63 Original design black & white
All the new versions are great...but the original still has my heart (although #70 & the heart penny came close!!). Sometimes you have to ignore the critics and go with what you love!!!
My main issue is I'm still playing with the tagline, so #56 is the best fit until I get that nailed down. When my friend did a design contest on here before, the designer was able to add the tagline later...can I come back to you for that?
Also, #36 is very popular among the people who've responded to my request for input. Is there anyway I can get that one as well? I'm not sure how it works as far as getting some of the non 1st-ranked other logos (i.e. #60 w/o the numbers & #58 as a vertical version of the same logo) but would be interested in finding out how I can :-).
Finally, thought you'd like this reply from a very good friend of mine: Without a doubt I loved the logo's by MUZSKI from the UK. I saw 2 that he created and liked them both but the green background with the bright simple coin in the middle really jumped out at me. Hope you know which one I mean, if not, get back to me and I'll be more specific. BTW my degree was in Art History...an eccentric addition to my opinion, lololol. Very nice logo's.
#75 New tagline added. I see where you are coming from. It is the symbolism of little joys, rather than physical wee pennies (hence the fabled '7+7+7=10' theory). :-)