Thanks for the feedback I shall look for other options, This logo would translate well onto uniforms. Just from a technical point would you be embroidering or silk screening onto your uniforms.
Embroidering has a more military look... I think that's what you are talking about, silk screen is when it is printed? Sorry I am not up with all of this. I love #9 would there be any other military symbols (such as a rifle?) or maybe a shadow of a person playing a bugle/trumpet or a soldier? We go to military hospitals and raise the moral of soldiers back from Iraq with terrible injuries.
lol the rifle was a bad idea on my part lol, but I do want our logo to some how show that our main mission is the help veterans in hospitals. I really like the trumpet one, but is there a way to make one that features the outline of a soldier of some kind? I can never forget our group is about helping soldiers in hospitals... we are a brass group but our mission is about helping people. There has never been a project like ours so be creative :-) Thanks so much for showing us your talents we love it!!
#27, is there some way to keep it as is but make it easier to read patriot? We also think we would like to see what you can do with this idea in a circle format, a lot of organizations in our field do this.
Do you have a bugle version of the trumpet you have? Its a little more military that way.
Hey Brendan, sorry I was not being clear. We want this to be able to be a circular patch to go on our uniforms. I would love to see your ideas to keep it all in the circle.
#114 just raised the bar... awesome... Can there be a bugler facing the other direction? Also, I think darker colors are a little more military. Your concept just blew me away!
Can #116 have more red? Maybe Brass Ensemble? What do you think. Is it the regulation colors I sent out? Sorry just want to me sure, they are here: scroll down
#122 is just fantastic... wow. Do you know if there is a way to make a patch in that shape or how we would do that? I do not think the little trumpet is needed since we have the bugler. Is there a way to fit that into a regular shape? I do not know how it works, can you help me with this?
Hi Steven The Embroiderers can, make odd shaped badges, I designed this logo with that in mind, however the more rounded it is and the less ins and outs the better I shall look at simplifying it further.
Brenden! Thanks so much! #152 is fantastic! The upper part I am just floored with, you might of just taken us in a completely new direction. I love the concept so much and I can not believe I did not think of something like that! How can the words be different? I feel like Patriot may be a little too big and the other words cant be read?
I have removed the white key line I had going around the letters and made it red, this was the reason for the red lines not running all the way through the letters.