#45 is on the right track. Can we change this font to be a very close twist to what is in our photo example, Caslon Antique? Something close but perhaps not exact. And then possibly add some kind of icon to it.
Thanks for all the incoming ideas. #67, We like the idea of the brushstroke with our name in relief, however we would want the brush stroke to be a little less loose and more full.
I like the direction you were headed in #45,#47 and #51-54 as well as #67. We do like the idea of primarily a "word-mark" for the logo with a unique, antique type of font.
We are taking a second look at the color in #54 as well as the slightly curved text in #51. I'm not sure if the text in white with the color in background is exactly what we are looking for...maybe you could try a couple combinations again with that in mind. Also, do really like #137 and #135, not in love with the font, but a great idea with the architectural element surrounding the text. Thanks!!
At this point we have had some external feedback on the font, ie.#174 and have had some comments that it looked more suited to a restaurant than a home services company. While we do really like the direction you are going, I think we would like to stay away from that font at this point. I know it is too late to reinvent the wheel as it where, but we are still hopeful to have our company name basically the primary aspect of the logo, as you have been doing, but with possibly a separate icon that is somehow relatable to the house icon in the First Coast Home Pros logo, but with more of the historic, antique look that we are hoping for with the painting business. I know this is a lot to ask at this point in the game, but we really like your designs and are happy with what you have been doing. Thanks again!