Very cool. Instead of the broadhead being the line underneath, how would it look if it was larger on the left side the way the rifle crosshairs were before?
Instead of the rifle crosshairs would you try putting a fixed broadhead shape on there? Pointing up. The Montec G5s are a fixed broadhead shape I like…
Your antlers are still pretty wide and flat… can you try a few different antler basket shapes? Especially the inner-most points that curve… can you make those straighter?
I love that. Do you get to see my ranked logos? The logo I have in 2nd place right now has a really clean typical whitetail antler shape included in it… can you try this logo with an antler shape more like that?
I still really like this concept. Can we try a variation of this that makes the crosshairs a little less BOLD and in-your-face? Maybe thinner lines, and less lines?
I like this! I’d be interested in seeing it with a compass instead of crosshairs. And maybe another version with mountains instead of the crosshairs. The use of color is tasteful but the green and black are so close together in intensity it’s kind of hard to differentiate. The deer antlers have 3 tines each and are what we consider a “6 point” I’d be interested in seeing it with an “8 point” by adding a tine to each side. You’re on to something!
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