I think the colors in #29 and 32 are on the right track. I like #29, as the colors fade in and out. It also compliments the sister org very well.
Our first use of this logo will be on a large sign next to a busy street. We need the fonts easy to read from a distance. We all like the fonts from #13 and #14. It is clean but slightly feminine.
Can you throw the family from #17 into #29 to see how that works. Our small city doesn't have any sky scrapers, so the other 2 logos didn't feel right for us. Even if we just keep them in their circle and place them in the logo it might work.
I really like the entry I have ranked #1 now... can you provide #47 and #48 with the child more like a baby? Also, If we can get contrasted versions of the logo so I can see what a solid colored logo printed on a tshirt would look like? I uploaded a logo that had 4 versions a while ago..
I am a little frustrated with this contest, because you are the only artist who has used my feed back to create new logos and understanding of what I am doing... Thank you.
I was hoping to get several logos that I liked to pick from! So I have extended the tournament for a day... I doubt it will change much, but I really want to see the tree logo revised as the artist said she would..
I will get final feed back from my partners on your logo, and if there are no new submission that blow us away, we won't keep dragging you on, but I wanted you to know why I extended! And that I r
Hi, when you finalize the contest, you have to place different designers on 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Other top 7 are not important. The prize you pay for the logo includes the Designer prize and all LogoTournament fees. In your case the Designer prize is $214. Also, we get participation points: 1st place - 50 points, 2nd - 20 points, 3rd - 10, points and 4th to 10th - 2 points each. The points help to move up in the "Top Ranked Designers" list.
I would like to get #58 with the colors from #56. Also, those same colors with the new family with the design in #39 with dark green tagline
One we pick a winner, how many versions can we get? I see the need for a single color logo, in both black and contrasted white, and the long version vs. the tall version in different circumstances would be helpful
ok, sorry for the delay, I've been away from my computer. I am going to pick #1. I will need it in vertical, horizontal, and in single color contrasts.. I am wondering if in the contrast versions can we delete the moms shoulder line... it looks 'extra'. I like it in the color versions though.