I like the "O" and "V" the A may need the line between it in order to be more readable. My initial reservation with the logo is that someone might not know that it is Novak when they quickly read it. I am trying to figure out how to make it a bit clearer. Please, modify when you get an opportunity and thank you for your submission!
I have the same problem with Logo#8 by Zie with the "N" in the design.
I spoke with my key partner and he appreciates your design skills. We would like to modify Logo#27 in regards to color. We are thinking a Chrome (Silver) instead of grey as a first choice to try. Perhaps, two other good colors might be blue or green.
Again please, leave the red alone as we like this particular red you chose!
Thank you for the color variations. I hope that you red our follow up message. Please, keep the red for Novak it is excellent. The main color change will be for Team and the roof. If you can make it look like Chrome (Silver) think Mercedes Benz. :)