hello this is my concept "Two seperate studios connected & blended together" also woman and man i using "mustache", in some part there is should be a woman hair, and in the complete part is a mustache as i know the company look more masculine then feminine. i hope you like it
Thank you these are really cool! I like how you tried to really interperet my concept although I'm not sure if I really like the mustache/hair symbol. I really like #45,46,& 51!! Can you make "the" smaller?
hello thanks for all your feedback... this is my new variation #107 #114 #115 i hope you like it, and feel free to contact me if you need more variation
thanks...I like the gradiant color of #114 and #107 but not really the fonts...sorry. Maybe something in between those and the original(#78). And a regular o in studio is better.
Thank you for being open to changes....Sorry I was traveling the last couple of days but am home now and ready to get back to business of getting this logo down. I've uploaded a few images of fonts and logos that interest me. I know they are very different from your ideas so far. I still really like what you've already submitted but I'm also still looking for options. I like the logo within a black or dark grey circle against white backround. Or even the Innerworks logo with the breaks and two tones in the font...I feel like it just adds a little more interest. Maybe even a mix of fonts?! Just some thoughts....
Can you try and do the same thing to the Y and M as you did with the X's in #146 & 147? I like it but it feels a little too disconnected between the letters and I want it to look a little more uniform. Also can you make the backround darker so there is a greater contrast. Could you also try something similar with #80 and #131.
for answering your public comment, yes you be able to get the negative and positive logo, also the eps editable. don't worry to keep in touch in the future, we still can connected...
I love the changes to #152 & #153! Can you make the backround of #153 somewhere between the black and grey of #140. For #152 can you make the word "MYXX" two different colors like how it is in my image upload (logo 8). Can you make some of the parts a lighter grey.
Can you make the word "studio" in #153 the same color as the backround you have behind "studio" in #149. I like how that grey/silver looks like it's glowing...not so flat. And then for #'s 152, 153, 155 can you make the top of the left vertical line of the "M" more of a slant instead of a straight cut...so it looks more parallel to the slanted down line in the middle.
hello thanks for all your feedback... this is my new variation #158 #159 #160 i hope you like it, and feel free to contact me if you need more variation
Congratulations on being the winner of my contest!! I appreciate all your prompt responses to all my adjustment requests! My favorites are #161 and #163!! Now I guess I just need to just decide which one I like better....