#44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49... OK...we are getting excted about #44!!! We are thinking that we can customize the the background badge with every city... with farmland or the specific city skyline subtly with each city...and we could dress up our little monkey for each city! Cowboy or whatever happens to be what the city represents. Oooooh! We love it! DO you mind palying around with "Monkeying Around Atlanta"? in the space. Or New York, Or LA? I am excited!!!
Your monkey is adorable and fun! If you play around with another, I like the idea of a city scape that is more bold and obvious. Also, since "Monkey will have to be adapeted to "Monkeying" we hned a font that will allow us to easily add the "ing around <specific city> as we continue to expand to different cities. I think I like the word over the monkey's body, more than having the body by itself as in one of your designs. I think... :) Not sure. But so far, yours is head and shoulders above the rest, in our opinion!!!
I lke the idea of hybrid of of the cowboy monkey holding the the gobe and the outline...(holding the whole monkeying around,not just the globe.) We can see more of the city that way and we might have more room to place the city name in the outside circle. What do you think? Do you mind giving me a glimpse of that?
Coulld you change the logo so that you make ONE that has alll of the elements below in the ONE logo: -a naked (no clothes or hat) monkey -standing to the side (like in #70,) and pointing...as if she/he is the tour guide...look at mickey mouse to see what I mean... here is a link to some images...http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&q=mickey+mouse&btnG=Google+Search.(in other words, have him pointing with his hand to the the circle of the city (similar to what he is doing now, but not "holding" the globe,) -"Monkeying around Atlanta in the outer circle (Atlanta should not be in the inside circle. -the Atlanta city scape (or whatever we decideto use to symbolize the city)
That is kind of what i want...a "mascot" that can be dressed up or down, that is the Host to the city,who is loveable and sweet! Thank you! I LOOOOOVE your work!!!
Aku seperti "berpose" dan "posisi" dari 92. Harap menghapus kostum dan sarung tangan, sehingga monyet adalah "telanjang". Anda dapat membuat monyet lebih tinggi (seperti di # 92) jika Anda percaya bahwa itu akan lebih menarik. Silakan angkat lingkaran. (mirip dengan di # 92)
Double stack dan pusat "Monkeying", dan "Around" di bagian atas lingkaran searah jarum jam, (double-tumpukan dua kata, satu di atas yang lain)
Harap Center "Atlanta" di bagian bawah lingkaran, berlawanan.
Harap ubah font dari "Times New Roman" untuk sesuatu yang tidak terlalu resmi dan lebih hangat dan ramah.
Harap meletakkan gambar dari Atlanta kaki langit di tengah. Saya telah terpasang foto dalam "LOGOTOURNAMENT" celana dalam.
Silahkan ubah monyet warna coklat nuansa yang berbeda sehingga saya dapat memilih warna favorit saya.,
Apakah Anda punya saran?
Terima kasih banyak!
P.S. Apakah monyet sepenuhnya ciptaan Anda sendiri?
Terima kasih!
I like the "pose" and positioning of 92. Please remove costume and gloves, so that we have the "naked" monkey" as a template. IF you think that making the monkey taller (as in #92) would be more visually appealing, you may try to mahim taller. I DO like the look better when the city circle, and the monkeying around is raised higher, as in #92
Double stack and center Monkeying, and Around at the top of the circle clockwise, (double stack the two words, one on top of the other)
Please Center "Atlanta" at the bottom of the circle, counterclockwise.
Please change the font from Times New Roman to something less businesslike and more warm and friendly.
Please place a depiction or photo of an Atlanta skyline in the center.
I think THAT might be our template for all cities. Let's see how that looks! :)
Then, The Monkey Trust could be the same monkey mascot, in the same pose pointing to a globe of the world.
Also, do you mind making several versions with different colors of brown for Monkey. One of my "artist" friends here (not a graphic designer) does not like the red brown.
What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you so much!
I will make a quick decision so that you can quickly get your prize!!! :)
P.S. Is the monkey entirely your own creation that I can trademark?
Also, when we are done, do you mind making a business card, letter head, etc. template? (Not yet!)
O like the original fat monkey with adorable hands and feet better than the new skinny monkey with ordinary features. Please change give me the original monkey back, naked, with #102 hands and #48 feet. Make him a little more brown. ( i do not like the bodies of #92 and #102)
I am trying to decide between your monkey and another artist's design.
Change either 92 or 102. I like the original fat monkey with adorable hands and feet better than the new skinny monkey with ordinary features. Make him naked and fat like the others with the adorable feet Please make him some different colors (We need to be able to "brand" him) (Make him a little more brown and some alternate colors)
I am trying to decide between your monkey and another artist's design.